
I’d travel a thousand miles for an Italian Beef.


Fiction Beer Company in Denver also has books available to read or keep, and I dropped some off there last time I moved.


It will always be the Sears Tower, no matter who buys it.



One for me, one for the room...

If they allow drinking, I want to work where you work.

I wonder how offended they would be if the winner brought their own beer?

This sounds delicious.

This is the content that I come here for.

We don’t seem to have herd immunity from the flu either.

It’s recommended for septic systems too.

That’s what I’m using, and it is a large a phone as I am willing to tolerate.

“Indicted” you say?

They’re in the same imaginary class as leftover bacon.

I am sorry, but we cannot allow rational thought here right now.

Eating this many hard boiled eggs makes social distancing easy.