scratched cornea

When I first saw the headline pic; I thought: potato? Aperture brand batteries? Good work science!

Now playing

Should link to a wiki article or provide an alter net view. Let others be the judge. It could be an RC model. They make em super realistic these days.

I think Tesla just blew their budget on renders; how about some test mule pics / videos.

rolling in my 5.0

The 71.5 liter 4360 wasp major engine has 28 cyclinders, 56 spark plugs, 2 turbos with a supercharger to make 4300 hp.

heh; my neighborhood has em in the ground and the houses are much older than the houses a few blocks away where it looks like someone went nuts with extension cords.

I hate how people rant how nice LED lights are when to me they stick out like a soar thumb. It makes everything look artificial and gives me a headache while I read. Ill stick to CFL until they figure how to make a range of color tempratures for LED bulbs.

will this mean less showoff valves on stock turbo cars?

It might sound better when the engine is under load. (driving) New video please.

John Voits' car

FPGA chips cannot shrink theselves and duplicate its transister count. Once a design has been thoroughly optimised a new FPGA chip will be required to increase performance. The idea is novel though for example a hardware design error can be fixed though a software update.

10 year old BMW; how bout a shot with the tach on idle with the MILs off. These cars are plaged with electricle problems.

Does this mean more local jobs? Less reliance on overseas manufacturing?

so whats the sample rate of this thing. probably too low to mention.

Does quantum link for commodore 64 count as the internet? Probably not.