scratched cornea

meh?; are you being sarcastic. I had to replay the part where Jeremy says "oh I don't believe this; the motor over heated and I've got reduced power." As far as the brake booster fuse blowing up. I'll make a comparason. If the vaccumm line connected to your regular cars master cylinder got disconnected and you have to

The video said "global demand" like 25 times. There is no global demand if you are forcing this out everywhere.

Tesla is just upset that their car went into reduced power mode. The electric car equivalent of steam shooting out of an overheated engine radiator. This is just a bad track car and Tesla is throwing a fit cause their car handles like a 90's GM family sedan. I do like the tech behind the Tesla and its a great leap

Joe Friday says: Just the facts ma'am

I see alot of people saying that Tesla wasn't being judge fairly. I say they judged tesla too fair. Yes the drivetrain overheated and the brake vacuum boost became disabled. Most new sports cars can handle a few hard laps around a track without the engine going into limp home mode or a vacuum line getting

Did he side swipe a barrier? At first I thought the transmission exploded.

I would say since nukes took us out. the 3 eyed fish.

the problem with car engines is that they are heavy. the other thing i noticed is that he spend a great deal on making it look like a traditional cesna. Kill the skin and reinforce the frame; and hire some better welders. If I was this guy I would try to make a large ultralite that can hold 4-6 passangers and some

I think some new code in qawker sites is preventing the sites to work properly on older IE browsers.

great read. Damn that girl is sexy.

thats 3.5% profit from sales. Looks like the goverment made more on sales tax than GM did on the vehicles.

Now playing

this post reminds me of this parody I herd years ago

Thw Rockford reverse J turn should be a mandatory test in all car reviews. :)

Also herd of it through GT2 via bleem. If I remember correctly it had two engines for a combined hp of over 1000.

That's the Ticket Laddie.

Probably more reliable than the new gawker layout.

These will probably be used at trade shows and sports events where they will be charging a much higher markup. So cost will not be an issue because the speed one "bar tender" can pour will offset the lost revenue of the cups. I would never accept a plastic cup at a pub.

Why would I buy this over a focus?