burning like HAWT fiya

I’ve got a just turned 1 and one month from 5.

The only way I’ve seen time-outs used effectively has been as part of a larger process, where the kid understands that the time-out is a consequence of choosing problematic behavior, and there’s a whole conversation around it. The goal in that sense is to minimize use of it so it’s actually effective. But I have also

We live in a country where many people honestly believe that a politician can just make anything happen through forceful words. When Trump says “Mexico will pay for the wall because I will tell them to” they honestly believe him.

The refusal to follow up on absurd claims infuriates me as well.

Well said. The lack of persistent follow up questions to his banalities is truly infuriating.

Not to mention the fact that apparently, black voters’ beliefs and values are suddenly wrong and misguided if they happened to vote for Hillary, great Satan that she is. If they vote for her, they obviously don’t know what’s good for them, and should listen to the white voters who do.

I’ve been a night owl since infancy, according to my mother. The sun goes down, and I feel more refreshed and alert than at any point during the day.

Weeeeeeelll ...

After five years at a former job, I pointed out that I was the one lady on a team of ~50 white engineering dudes, and that we had no POC. This had been glaring to me since I started, but absolutely shocked the people I worked with. Somehow, they had failed to notice this fact. Then they didn’t see why it was a

Honestly, this is why the concept of an ally is so important. No, not the kind who do it to get a back pat. Not the kind speaking OVER the minority they supposedly stand with.

Hahaha what's new. All the internet fuck boys exist IRL and are enraged over anything even tangentially related to race. I was basically fired over speaking out on the subject of work place discrimination. This is nothing to new to people of color though I'm excited to see shocked white feminist reactions.

This is only about presenting a plan on how to fix the cars, not actually have them all fixed by such and such date. VW has had over 6 months to come up with such a plan to move forward and now they have been given a month more on top of the deadline. So to me it seems like the judge isn’t exactly being unfair.

I don’t think this type of behaviour is okay, but if she had been a boy grabbing a girl then I bet everybody’s reactions would’ve been different.

I was thinking the same thing. For years black people talking about these situations were put off as paranoid and conspiracy minded. Too angry to be rational, too upset to think clearly, because this could NEVER happen. The government would NEVER do such a thing. It’s too far fetched. Too manical. But here you have

The sad thing is that some (white) people can only hear this type of thing from another white person’s mouth. That is the only way it has validity.

Your last point is certainly taken and I think supersedes any other discussion.......... but I still feel like it’s worth pointing out that comparing Clinton to Nixon is pretty unfair.

It’s beyond depressing, right?

Pin this on the Republicans all you want, Dems played on this fear of black criminality as well. Private prisons skyrocketed beginning in Clinton’s era. Federal sentencing got tougher and continued to be discriminatory as well.

I have two major takeaways from this:

It's called living paycheck to paycheck and at the end of the pay period, if you still have money left over that has not been spent, then you can save it. More than likely though, you won't have any until you get your next check. And that $83 is my car insurance payment for one month or about a sixth of my rent.