burning like HAWT fiya

Even as a dude, I can understand why she’d want the grandkids to exist. I even get why she take any risk including carrying them herself to ensure that existence, but are we supposed to just take her word for it that her daughter approved of this? ISPs won’t unlock email accounts of deceased persons without proof of

So Damned true. Not to hijack the conversation too much, but it drives me insane when this dismissive attitude is the default for foreign and minority communities as well, and not just in writing. The govt and US Armed forces have desperately needed translators for some time in areas of conflict all over the world,

If only it were so simple... can I tell you a story? Young HAWT fiya, grew up in a home where his parents kept a handgun in a cabinet by their bed. It was normally locked as was their bedroom door when they weren’t in, to keep us kids outta their stuff, but kids.... We had to get in our parents stuff, cause clearly

I that it would be weird, but it is necessary. People aren’t perfect and do dumb things with guns even when they ‘re uber responsible otherwise. And kids... as beautiful as they are, they are diabolically curious by nature. Defeating safeguards is sport for them. Especially for boys.

While I agree this statistic seems to ignore some basic realities, your post does the same (as mine likely will too). 1st: for a number of reasons, not everyone who attempts suicide really wants to die. Counterintuitive as that may be, many of them are thankful when their attempt fails. This is statistically less

Just wanna write this out to be Sure I didn’t misunderstand: His punishment for dishonesty, lack of ethics, and according to the post theft by another name, is removal from the post which made the theft easy? SMDH...

Am I crazy for initially thinking the screencap in the post was from SW:ESB on account of the shirt worn by dude on the right, EVEN THOUGH BILLY DEE IS WEARING A TOTALLY BOSS VELVETEEN JACKET?

This muthafucka... Mrs Curry was upset about something that appeared to a whole lot of people (including me, who wants Cleveland to win this series) to be some bullshit. I understand how difficult it is to get even officiating, particularly during the playoffs, when we just wanna see the team’s play. BUT, it seemed

EXACTLY!!!! None of our rights or privileges are unlimited. NONE OF THEM. They all have limits and exceptions for good reasons. WTF can’t that extend to guns too?

That argument drives me insane. I like shooting at the gun range too. Though I currently don’t own an AR15 style rifle, their higher round capacity and accuracy make them fun to shoot. BUT my enjoyment at the range fucking DAMN well does NOT trump someone else’s right to life. I’ll be fine if I never shoot another

EXACTLY! Where the fuck are all of the law and order politicians who should be pressing hard to lower crime rates? Where are the cops who scream about being overworked? Where are the prosecutors who cry about lack of evidence and not being able to get criminals off the street? I keep trying to convince myself that

Omg, so true. I was screaming at the tv early in the game when Thompson was being lazy under the basket again, but then he apparently caught an invisible kick in the ads cause he improved. Rebounding, help under the basket, etc. In fact, The whole team showed that they actually understood how much work it was gonna be

How has Green been punished for this? He was accessed a flagrant 1 foul. Are there any repercussions for this other than subsequent flagrant fouls continuing the count toward ejection or suspension? Fairly easy to avoid another flagrant in that game so no ejection. IIRC he still has FIFTEEN MORE flagrants before

If Tesla wants to be an enthusiast car, then this isn’t a problem. They can make all the gratis repairs they want. This isnt the case though. Tesla wants wide adoption of it’s cars and technology. Ramping up to produce 500,000 cars a year is fantastic enough a challenge, improving manufacturing processes to avoid

I’ve always been on the fence about the bailouts. Its utter bullshit that none of the countless bad actors went to jail, but NOONE wanted to see the American auto industry die on their watch. Not the dems, not the parts manufacturers. For all their bluster, not even the repubs could honestly say they wanted that. This

“...high quality and long-term reliability” aren’t mandatory requirements. Consider those “stretch goals”.

I’ll agree that no group’s members are one single type or share one single belief system. It IS a whole more complex than simply checking a box corresponding to race or gender or sexual orientation, etc. That said, we still need to push for diversity of employees and team members. We should put a lot more thought into

Tha fuq? !?!?!??!???!??!?!? I’d ask for a link so I could read with mine own eyes, but I’m sure confirming this story would only make me feel worse...

I agree that the UFC’s favorable treatment of McGregor including including favorable matchups and lots of PR money along with HIS success in the octagon and HIS gift of gab, made him so popular. The thing is though the UFC has proven time and again they will destroy and or abandon a fighter as soon as it benefits