Sandra Hawk

Yeah, gio85, I'm with you. I think episode 6 has been the best one of the 2nd Season so far. I liked Episode 5 a lot too. I had a really hard time with the first 4 because I felt like I was watching a different story, and one I didn't particularly like, since Jamie and Claire's relationship wasn't solid at that

"Ultimately, it just seems like the writers walked back on the tension between Claire and Jamie suddenly in this episode in order to make the ending hit harder. . . ."

Mayonegg —Yes to all of that.

My sister and I each got the shot as small children, but the vaccination sites didn't blister and scar. Mom always thought that was because she had had smallpox as a child, and recovered. So maybe we had some immunity to it on our own independent of what we would have gotten from the vaccination since she breastfed us.

In the book it's a failed rape attempt. He gets close enough to touch, but not to enter, Claire's little knife drops his kidney before that happens. (If they keep it in — and they might not because they've got a lot of ground to cover and only 8 episodes in which to do it, there will be a conversation about it in