
Has Michael Bay done something other than making terrible, terrible movies?

Liked this album at the time, love it now. I still go back to it every now and again, which can't be said for Ten or even Vs.

I think there's a good chance of it. Word is Thoros of Myr will appear this season and the action is shifting to Riverrun with House Tully eventually joining the attack on Ramsay Bolton. The circumstances seem just about right for Lady Stoneheart.

I thought HttT had its moments, but it's a bit bloated. It's only been a week, but I can get behind AMSP being better. I also don't get the opinion that this is a career retrospective. The songs here are pretty far removed from The Bends and OK Computer. They've done some great string work before on Pyramid Song and

Nice piece. I don't get the hate for the Young Americans album among critics. It has some incredible songs on it. In addition to the hits, "Win" is just perfect.

Something tells me that Jedi abstinence theory did not play a featured role in Yoda's Jedi-express training of Luke. I seem to remember more pressing concerns. Maybe Luke just didn't know about it.

And many Bothans were dying.

Sure, but as a plot point in a movie, it's unoriginal and boring. ESB had no Death Star and the stakes were plenty high.

Yeah. I rewatched ROTJ again recently, and TFA beats it. ROTJ falls off the rails during the Ewok conquest of the Empire. Both TFA and ROTJ lose points for succumbing to Death Star-itis, but ROTJ has other flaws that TFA doesn't.

There's speculation floating that Snoke is Darth Plageuis, mentioned by Palpatine in ROTS as being the Sith that had conquered death. Palpatine thinks he killed him, but maybe not.

I don't get this. I loved Finn. He's the catalyst for a lot of the events in the film. He's also a hell of a lot of fun to watch, and brought some much needed humor.

I can see this. Vader would've just force choked Finn and been done with it. Maybe Ren's immaturity and overconfidence led him to go the route of the duel rather than an easy dispatch.

A couple of minutes would've done the trick.

They really should've given a bit more context to the situation in the galaxy. It would've taken two minutes: the Republic controls most of the galaxy, but there is a splinter group of the former Empire in the Outer Rim calling itself the First Order that is gaining power. The Resistance is a paramilitary group

I was pretty unsatisfied with the Lost finale. TFA left me grinning from ear-to-ear. Yeah, it's flawed, and there are holes, but the characters, the action, and the humor make it the best Star Wars film since Empire.

I thought Rey was outstanding, as was Finn. Two of the most compelling heroes in the entire saga. I thought Poe was a blast as well, and am looking forward to seeing the adventures of these three in the films to come. Kylo Ren was also fantastic—reminds me of what could have been with Anakin in the prequels.

Plush could've fit right in on Ten. Still a hell of a song though. Purple and Tiny Music were genuinely great albums.

I see what you're going for here. My take:

Still haven't seen these guys. The whole fatherhood thing gets in the way of shows. I did see Cox play Mountain to Sound with Spoon at Pitchfork back in '08 or '09. He was a giddy fan up there, having a blast.

Me too. Ordered the vinyl as well though.