1980s territory professional wrestling.
1980s territory professional wrestling.
My two things
1) Why didn't Melissandre bring up Jon coming back from the dead during all that prophecy talk. Seems like something one would not gloss over
Winwood's moog organ solo in Traffic's Empty Pages
she cared about her children getting more power than she could.
The nihilist in me wants undead ice giant to punt her over the wall
Spawn or Suicide Squad
Probably if I needed to decide, Suicide Squad was insulting to the intelligence far more
Kind of think the aforementioned Steve Winwood should be on here for either of "Arc of a Diver" or "Talking Back to the Night"
I'd be more afraid of the path Melissandre's going…because Arya's probably going to meet her on it
Mike Tyson once said "Everyone has a plan until they get blown up with Dragonfire"
my pick as well. The dumb fucking "my kid" throughline combined with the obvious pandering to a younger demographic that missed the point of the show
Groucho. Animal Crackers. a couple of times
I still think of him as the weaselly Villefort in Count of Monte Cristo…so you know he's the traitor every single time.
Middle of the desert and an open grave. He was dying one way or another.
Maybe as Gordo Cooper….but Dennis Quaid killed it
The Color of Money not being on this list is a tragedy
Justice League Antarctica
Was hoping for a reboot of the Fox show
The correct answer here is Heat
I miss Titus, the reverse intervention of Papa Titus was one of the smartest shows I've seen.
So you're saying Melissa McCarthy actually turned down a script?