Sin a bun

There was banner unfurling on both sides.

If there is one thing people in SEC country are afraid of, it’s a Sherman.

They called this shit synergy in my day and it was bullshit then too.

If Floyd ever wants to get to 51-0...

Collective bargaining is supposed to keep this stuff out of the courts. Love it or hate it the NFLPA gave the league the power to do discipline like this. Anyone who thinks he won’t eventually serve a 6 game suspension is a fool but we have to do this little dance every time.

I had assumed Alex Smith’s arm was fused at an angle that made forward passes over 15 yards impossible, but here we are.

He took a page from Rax Grissman and unleashed the dragon.

How glorious would it be if the fall finally comes in the year where they are overwhelming favorites and one more ring would remove all doubt they are the best dynasty. This year could be the SB XLII of seasons for them.

Clearly they just want to defend American ideals by insisting anyone who disagrees with the state’s abuse of power be fired from their job. Just like Washington envisioned.

Both Flair and my dad are alcoholic absent fathers but my dad didn’t wrestle 3 classic matches against Steamboat in 1989 so I love Flair more.

I sweat in the summer, a lot. I have to mow the lawn and get to hear, “enjoy the weather!” from perky assholes. Fuck all that, bring on Fall.

Between the legal issues and the half shirts I’m pretty sure he’s a time traveler from the 87 Hurricanes.

Somebody check on Trevor.

They chose the color so their fans can wear jerseys while picking up trash on the highway as part of their DUI community service.

It’s like Richard Greico still pulling in Midwest 7s at a Milwaukee night club. If you squint you can still see how he got those LA 9s in 1992.

I like this league from what I read, worst case scenario is you’re rooting for the 5th worst team.

His eyes gaze into my soul and reflect its emptiness.

Fuck it, Trump and the Patriots won. What’s one more shit sandwich?

Some of these letter authors should really take a hard look at themselves.

Yeah, those cops don’t have anything else to do. Lets call them on people eating food that will be thrown out.