Sin a bun

In honor of Coach Briles the team will ignore all whistles telling them to stop and ask the referees if they have been drinking if a penalty is called.

Sure that doesn’t just represent the tumor behind the eye of the last mascot?

This needs to be in a movie and I’m stealing it to work into conversations.

The Saints secondary has been doing this for years.

How the fuck was anything on that show smart? It was a circle jerk for Simmons to talk to people he wants to name drop later on.

Hiding behind the thin brown line again. Typical.

Chicago style hot dogs are terrible. I’m eating ground up cow’s rectum, what makes you think I want a salad on top of that?

Ladies and gentlemen, the 2019 New York Knicks.

Pay attention in school, kids. Don’t be like this guy.

As adults these people should be used to taking the liver shots the world hits you with. I remember punching a hole in the wall when the packers lost to the cowboys in the 93 playoffs.

Exactly how I predicted

It has the feel that it’s already over.

In about 6 years this asshole will be getting what he deserves. A few years in the league followed by multiple arrests and a bankruptcy.

The Cubs are the better team, shocking Cleveland got this far. Game 7 will be over early, Kluber gets shelled and Chicago parties.

Has anyone ever accomplished more with less talent?

I hope the fine folks at Happy Dildos get enough money to rename Gillette.

How else can somebody protect their property in their car but by assaulting everyone who comes within 100 feet of the car? If only the property could be moved somehow...

If I’m him, I’m looking hard at the Broncos if they want him. A Super Bowl defense and different management from when he left.

Has anyone asked Tom if it is indeed his

This is stinking like Cubs in 7, stinking real bad.