Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Of coursseee they do *eye roll*. Why do black people think everything is a conspiracy. You don’t have trial on Facebook, so why would the Police Chief release the video? They will more than likely send it to a grand jury and a year from now we will get to see a video of the “victim” pointing his gun at the police. …
Yeah, no. When niggers are posting on Twitter “if they white, get them” and bragging about their “loot crews” and are going out to exacberate the situation by perpetuating violence, then you don’t have peaceful protests.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they were either. They have made it quite clear that they will not be happy until they are getting away with the same crime whites are (in their twisted little mind) and until they can “get whitey” as they’re posting about on Twitter and in videos. I would not be at all shocked if the…
BLM is a terrorist organization. They don’t want peace. They don’t want equality. Look at the strawmen of people like Shaun King (aka “Talcum X”). They want a step above white people. They want to be able to get away with shit. They want to be able to loot, and steal, and shoot and do hood rat shit without being…
“Yeah guys, accept terrorism! It would be RACIST to profile someone that comes back from the Middle East, blows shit up in their backyard, and gets reported by their father”
I’m sure it has nothing to do with a) Silly Willy’s trips on Lolita Express with known underage masseuses (which Gawker did a 2015 story on, before the trolls attack) and b) Silly Willy being named in a lawsuit as a person that traveled to Epstein’s sex slave island.
There’s video of her saying she “can’t know for sure” whether or not he was born in the US and two days later, instead of walking that back, she says “you’ll have to ask him.”
Its true
This makes me queasy. She is very experienced, and she is a very strong leader. However, we should not have to give into a fringe element of the Left and appoint crucial cabinet members based on what they look like or what gender they are or how many “PC” points they will score in doing so.
Daily reminder that Clinton first brought this up on the 2008 campaign trail when she stated (and you can see her on camera) she “couldn’t know for sure” if then-Senator Obama was born in the U.S.
Clinton has backed herself into a big corner this time. She’s a fucking racist for constantly talking about Obama’s birth place, and she’s a racist for saying on the 2008 campaign trail that she “can’t be sure that he was born in the United States” What we’ve learned from this latest update, ladies and gentlemen, is…
?? You’re joking, right? What does your original post to me have to do with “confusing years”. You didn’t “confuse” 2012 and 2013 because he didn’t run in those years. Though he got a tremendous amount of press during that time. Maybe that is why you’re confused?
I realize that you are purposefully ignorant, and often border on trolling, but allow me to enlighten you.
What. I’m talking about Trump. Who did not run in anyway in 2012
Glad you could ignore the other actual salient points of my original post, which was what I was referencing. That takes actual ignorance!
Who gives a shit? Like you are literally proving my point. Don’t have a counterargument to what you know is true? Then deflect!
I’m going to respond to you in full, not trolling, because I feel there is an important point you are missing but you seem like a reasonable person. I’m not trying to defend his actions. I’m not talking about Trump. My point is that Democrats lambast him for certain shit and then they turn around and either a) do the…
I don’t go on Deadspin much and my grammar typing on my phone at 3:00am is irrelevant to my point.
I may have moved away from the Democratic party but I didn’t move into the arms of a pretend Republican who just wants to prove a point to the first black President :)