
She’s crying because the trash she threw didn’t hit anyone

I plead the Fifth!...but I seem to recall that most of my “gripes” got the standard: “Unable to duplicate...Checks 4.0 on deck!”

No, haven’t you heard, the F-35 can do literally every job in the military. It’s the perfect airplane.

I always thought AWD and 4WD meant the same thing...

That is a very beautiful plane. That said, I am afraid of those turbo props. I know it is irrational but that is how irrationality rolls.

Love how you took the banner picture from the USS John C Stennis’ website, mirrored it so they wouldn’t catch you, and reproduced it here without credit.

Developers can now nerf graphics post-launch.

I knew someone would know the origin of this half-remembered half-truth. Thank you Hawkeye18. And thanks for serving in the Navy.

Always knew they climbed out on takeoff nose low but yours is the best explanation I've heard.

A bird can punch one heck of a hole in a wing though! Which as I'm sure you know can be exceptionally dangerous depending on size and system layout.

Looks like Takata already took those airbags.

All others go home, this wins. So freaking cool! I never would have thought anything like this was ever attempted!

This should be the official Jalopnik engine... no more should we ask for a diesel for our brown, 5 speed station wagons. This!

"I came here out of retirement and decided, look, I'm very hungry. A hungry man is an angry man. And that is me. I am very angry because I want it."

It was always said that Mario was the glue that kept all the Nintendo systems together.

The Mazda 2 in question is the prototype Mazda 2 EV with a built-in range extender, in the form of a 330cc, 26 HP rotary engine that runs at a constant 2000 RPM. The engine is mounted flat under the cargo area floor, along with a 2.6 gallon fuel tank.

Maybe they should move the deer crossings to roads that are less heavily traveled.

You'd think Koreans would be good at tracking which side of the line things were on.

I liked the one where he butt fumbled

Already got a cup holder, thanks.