
Well, except, you know, the $80+/hr rates, occasionally getting your car back sans any oil filter at all, etc. The entire point of this article is for if you want to do your own work...

That thing spun hella fast, too! It was always fun to watch on the test bench.

Bah, they only bust those out for DV receptions, and the peeps wearing them don’t set foot on the flight deck except for then.

I was CV AIMD at the time, from 03-07. We did the sunset cruise with VS-24 in CAG 8. ATs can be good, they can be bad. VS-24 had a pretty bad batch on that cruise. For example, I found out once that they were swapping TACCO tray legends around in their shop - something that almost got me sent to mast! Their Skipper

What you mean is, you’d flip on the ISAR the second you left the cat, leave that sucker on the whole flight, burn up the ISAR card, which was just stuck on the bottom of the radar receiver with almost zero cooling going to it, make the sqadron ATs turn in literally the entire radar system to include the spinning

I’m willing to bet the 777X wing would not have fit inside a Dreamlifter. The 777X wing is going to be considerably larger than the 787’s.

Lol you bought an ST and wanted fuel economy.

Hawkeyes never get no love :’(

This is our “non-PC” patch. Her name is Molly.

I always like the guy who acts like he’s at a stereotyped version of a NASCAR race, and pumps himself up by shit-talking every other car and driver within sight. “Hey bro, you think you’re gonna win with that piece of shit Ford? Got I bet you don’t even know how to drive a stick right. Just stay out of my way as I

Just a Gunny doing Gunny things.

Simply put, most turbines aren’t 19 feet wide and visible. They are also enshrouded by tubes designed to contain them should they fail. If a prop fails, or (more often) is impacted by something else and breaks at speed, it’s akin to a few dozen grenades’ shrapnel going off all at once. And, I’ve seen what happens when

You’d hate my job, then... I regularly stand within two feet of a spinning blade on an E-2C Hawkeye, a turboprop. Did you know they spin at 1,106rpm?

Vulcana Dentata

For a while I got to tool around in an up-armored HMMWV in Pax River, MD. That was pretty fun. Us sailor dudes don’t get to do that real often.

Not at all. HP is a stupid measure of power to begin with, and tells virtually nothing of an engine's potential. Nothing short of a dyno chart will. Even HP/L is a better unit of power.

Sooo, this not-arbitrary number is based on an arbitrary weight (yeah, 75kg sounds about right!) moved an arbitrary distance in an arbitrary amount of time? And all to describe a completely and hilariously outmoded different unit of power?

It's really very simple.

"And under the hood, it's got a four-cylinder Cummins diesel which can pump out 250 horsepower and 600 (!!!!!!!!!!) pound-feet of torque."

Oh please.