
Please do not crack the RFCTSPs too hard with your fat gloved fingers; it breaks the screen cover and after the tenth broken one in a row we run out of spares and then your planes are down for a box that literally repeats a radio frequency for the RIO and weighs maybe six ounces.

Goddamn JASDF is why we still have four-blade work packages in our E-2C maintenance pubs. GET NP2K LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE YOU GUYS

If only a depressingly large number of drag strips across the country are shutting down - or getting shut down - due to environmental and noise complaints. Those that remain open are getting ridiculously expensive, and let's be honest, if you don't have a drag strip within an hour of you, you aren't going to go to one

Fun fact: without radiation, life as we know it likely never would've began on this planet. And I only say likely because I was not literally there. Radiation is what powers evolution via the random mutation of genes. Without radiation, our genes would not mutate (the radiation is what knocks loose DNA molecules) and

10. Weathertech/Husky floormats (they're really great!)

So, it's a desktop with a built-in UPS, so you can save your game and shut down the laptop if the power goes out.

" It is a sense of giddiness, as if you have gotten away with something that no one else on that ship could have possibly snuck away with: Freedom."

Full disclosure: I own both a '14 ST and a '13 Titanium (Focus). And I love them.

Swiss Laser Cutter Turns Turbine Blades Into Swiss Cheese

This was true back in the day of oil-fired ships, which did produce large amounts of soot, but all surface combatants now run on gas turbines, which don't produce soot. All of the superstructures on modern ships are painted gray. Source: 12 years and counting in the Navy

...no balls, bet you won't?

Soo, does this mean we can start suing airlines for their literal dozens of bullshit fees?

If the desire or need is great enough, fingerprint security can by bypassed by simply chopping an authorized person's finger off. Retinal scans can by bypassed by scooping out an authorized user's eyeball within a few minutes of its use. Voiceprint analysis can be bypassed with sufficient sample collection.

Yeah, it's a pretty Wisconsin thing. I took this at the Eau Claire ski jump competition a few years ago. One of the first pics I took with my then-new 50mm f1.8.

That is... so unbelievably wrong it's weird. I can't tell if you're joking. I'm hoping you are. A ~200lb person moving 20 feet forward on a 250 ft long, 60,000lb plane affects the CG about not even a goddamn bit. You literally cannot trim the plane out that little. And even if it did affect the trim, it doesn't

Christ almighty, this is why defense acquisition is so fucked up. It's taken 15 goddamn years to stick some extra radios, a few extra fuel tanks, and a boom/drogue system into a proven, established airframe. They didn't make any structural modifications to the airframe, and they aren't pushing the boundaries of a

Seeing the picture of the X-15 next to the F-104 has made me realize that the X-15 was basically an F-104 with bigger wings. WTF F-104!?

Here are some doucheface yellow shirts from my cruise (I was on the Bush deployment this whole past year) that better illustrate a cranial. This was taken during August. I was a green shirt.

Google knows, but here's a picture. It protects our heads, eyes and ears from impact and noise, respectively. They aren't what you'd call real comfortable, but you get used to them. The liners (tan part) get pretty funky after a few months of 130° heat during the days. You sweat a lot.

I think a great recent entrant is "Interstellar". Amazing sound on that movie.