Even if they were with the Marine Corps (capitalize it!), they would still be with the Navy. Just don't tell the Marine Corps that.
Even if they were with the Marine Corps (capitalize it!), they would still be with the Navy. Just don't tell the Marine Corps that.
I could just kill you and take your tickets instead.
In addition to #9, if you have a manual, I'll throw in that you should skip gears if you can. When I accelerate from a stop, if I go 1-2-3-4-5-6, I'll get at least 3 mpg lower than if I go 2-4-6. Every time you lift off the throttle, you lose mpg. It's better to go to 2500rpm so you can skip a gear than it is to go to…
And this is why Calculus was invented.
This story is quite clearly made up. I haven't seen any evidence of food on an aircraft in five years.
Oh look, a douchebag french douchebag in a douchebag Porsche. It's a Douchefecta.
I mean, clearly this heavily armed chopper that had recently been firing rockets and bullets into schools and markets full of women and children was just on a sight-seeing cruise!
They're still missing a critical point, which is that no airline gives a flying fuck how fast a plane can get to point B. All they care about is how many people they can cram into it, and how cheap it is to operate.
There is literally nothing that could possibly ever go wrong with this.
That's no Google employee, that's an NSA guard protecting their data mining portion of the data center!
"Yeah, sure, because the Raiders have the best case for bullshit officiating."
Couldn't help but notice that the announcers chose not to mention it, even though it was literally all you could see for a good five seconds.
Fine, it's "Much Closer to the Edge of Space Than Your Pedantic Dick Ass Will Ever Be".
Me neither. I always wondered what the hell that was for. It's not like he was going to "emergency stop" the jump - but that's what that button screamed to me. That's usually what those buttons are.
I remember thinking, "Oh God, don't lose your nerve now," when that happened. He was just sitting there for a few beats too long and you just knew he was sitting there, looking out on a good chunk of planet Earth, and thinking to himself, "Is this something I really, really want to do? I'm seriously about to do the…
>unlock {terminal:0018ab32}
We use those exact same little tugs to pull our 50,000lb E-2Cs around. The tug does not seem to have great difficulty. I bet the tundra could do it - if they swapped some 9.80:1 gears in the rear!
Once cells go black, they must make a long and difficult choice as to whether to go back or not.
She's got a promising future as a Bond villain ahead of her, so there's that.