Oh, sorry... typical American with a short attention span!
Oh, sorry... typical American with a short attention span!
Mail to Iraq and Afghanistan, and for that matter ships at sea, sees conditions unimaginable in the continental US. I can understand the USPS's consternation, ridiculously reactive and disproportionate though it may be.
They had a "good attitude" because they were threatened with horrible things if they didn't. I can guaran-fucking-tee you.
If that's meant to be a joke, it's not really one I find to be funny. And don't tell me I don't have a sense of humor - I have a great one; you're just an ass.
Um, a) The average layperson doesn't have the skills to remove the battery from either the iPad or the Kindle, b) Removing the battery would void the warranty, and c) What the fuck are you going to do with a battery-less Kindle?
Yes, but FPOs and APOs are a whole 'nother story. Only the USPS can interface with the military postal system, which handles end deliveries to all FPO and APO addresses. Having been on the receiving end of both FPO and APO addresses, I can tell you it sucks.
Huh. As much as I hate the TSA and its nuts-whacking lack of give-a-fuck, I almost hate Congress and anybody in it as much, if not more. I say it's a tie.
Iiiii vas vorking on ze crosswalk, all ze live long daaaaay... Iiiii vas vorking on the crosswork, just to pass ze time avay...
Virtually the entire DoD got infected with a nasty virus originally introduced by a thumb drive in (I think) 2008, so that was the end of thumb drives, or anything/everything else that plugged in via USB. Only in the military can you take that sort of draconian action to solve a problem. It is effective, though. Thus,…
Being in the military, I have somewhat of a unique point of view on this. USB drives are verböten throughout the military. Can't use them, and if you're even spotted with one you get the stink-eye. So, until a few years ago, floppy drives still reigned supreme for file transfer. Sad, I know! In about 2007, though, our…
Security through obscurity worked for Apple back when they were obscure. Apple is not obscure any more, and needs to pull their heads out of the sand, security-wise. They're making a ton of stupid rookie mistakes that scream WE DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE DOING! Maybe they should phone Microsoft for some security advice.…
Spoken like somebody who's never actually had to deal with this problem in real life. What happens when Patti's the CEO's niece? You have to know that oftentimes the dumbest people in a company are there as a direct result of nepotism.
I know plenty of humans that do three-point landings.
"There is no such thing as a three point landing in a nose-wheel airplane"
And that's the point. There is no such thing as truly effective security, because there will ALWAYS be people like Patti. You cannot possibly hope to teach everybody the importance of network security.
It's a lot easier to patch code than it is to teach Patti in accounting that she can't open literally every link that gets displayed in her "e-mail whatchacallit".
So basically the TL;DR version is that while securing a network itself is rather easy, networks are invariably run by and used by people, and that people are dumb, and there is no fixing that. Ergo, there is no such thing as true network security.
Army has more boats. AF has... idunno, more metrosexual haircuts.
Certainly, as the Navy has 0 bombers. Well, technically every Hornet and Superhornet is a bomber, thus the F/A designation, but that's pushing it a bit far, I think. I'll just say that the Navy has more "Fighter" aircraft than the USAF does.