
I've always felt the Taurus was a pretty smooth object.

Yeah, I tried that once on Gizmodo - with similar success.

This is part of its "multi-mission" profile. It can be stealthy with a small weapons loadout (two bombs and two missiles is not too bad, though), or - if stealth is no longer an issue/priority - it can hang a large amount of weapons as you can see above. Both the F-22 and F-35 have this capability.


Also North Korea.

Did they intentionally name their drones after Arakyd Industries, maker of famous probes and other autonomous vehicles in Star Wars?

You don't have to be in Slovakia. I got stuck behind an F/A-18 once in Maryland.

There was an episode of Friends that did that. It didn't end well.

Fuck it, I'd ride it.

This is pretty awesome - coincidentally (not ironically as others might say), the book I'm reading right now on my Kindle is "Flying the SR-71 Blackbird: In the Cockpit on a Secret Operational Mission" by Richard H. Graham. It's an incredible book. Ironically, I'm learning how to fly an SR-71 at the same time I'm

2012: "Our shit's so awesome! We have drones and shit!"

Hey, you take that back. I felt that last week's episode of ASDFJKL was especially compelling.

Should've used Metaklett instead of Velcro!

Nah, since they repealed DADT 'n all, they equipped Super Hornets with buddy tanker packs so they can mate with themselves. I think it's a "New Navy" thing.

That was trbl.

135 or 140mph? Christ, my '94 Taurus can do that. That's sad.

They also look like they're going to break a lot, and suck to repair.

Those papers are the bombe.

...And now its oil processing capability is crippled.

I hear it likes long moonlit max A/B flights down the beach.