
There isn’t any correlation. No one spends more time bitching on social media than Richard Sherman, and he won a super bowl and came within a bad play call of another. I’d link you to some article Margary wrote about how “distraction” is just a buzzword media types like using to criticize athletes, and there isn’t any

I think it’s ridiculous that I can play with someone on the other side of the planet, but I can’t play with the person sitting on the couch, with me.

Games like Halo should really try to hold on to split screen. All removing the feature does is alienate some players. No one has ever not bought a game because it has split screen as an option. The other way around is a different story.

Nope. Halo 5 splitscreen would have been a big push for me to eventually get an Xbox One to play with friends on my couch. Now, no chance. Halo for me has only been for local co-op.

After these past three games (Mexico, Netherlands, Germany), I am extremely excited for a potential Wood/Morris striker pairing in Russia 2018.

Luckily I’ve never wanted to be part of the business world. I also have no money. But I’ve yet to drink urine. Things balance out.

Mennen Speed Stick Regular. It is a deodorant not an antiperspirant and is available most anywhere in the US and Canada, and many countries overseas such as Hong Kong and the UK. Its smell is not overwhelming (with a hint of sandalwood) but does the deed. I’ve been using it since I was thirteen years of age.

Mennen Speed Stick Regular. It is a deodorant not an antiperspirant and is available most anywhere in the US and

Please explain your joke and why it’s funny.

I’ve started tagging dumb, sexist/racist shit as “spam” or “hate speech”.

Look at all the aggressive misogyny down here. It’s like a Barstool Sports post about literally anything.

“A girl can be friends with someone with a dick and not hop on it”

Oh my God we just took the lead what the fuck

Yeah I have two states of being at airports: annoyed or drunk. And theater people trying to do their theater thing outside of an actual theater is probably somewhere between the 3rd and 5th most annoying shit ever.

“Just what kind of courage is Jenner showing?” said the angry pitchfork-wielding mob that scorned and hated a person for revealing her true identity.

List of DC Residents’ Worst Fears:

Dude, that’s a TV show.

Yeah but who cares? Some over privileged white woman needs to sit down and use the space next to her for her purse and the other seat for her other purse that holds her dog.

The NYPD has been arresting people (mostly minority men, mostly late at night) for “crimes” that are basically minor subway etiquette offenses on empty cars for years. Things that most people wouldn’t think twice about, like putting your feet up on an empty seat, can lead to a ticket for the crime of, and here I shit

Is it just me that wonders if it is a coincidence that it was two Latino men? Seems like a pretext to me...

Great. Another way for the police to selectively arrest minorities.