
Haha! Get it! Like a white knight! What creative use of invective, that in no way relies upon lazy ad hominem to discredit a person outright based on the perception that the only conceivable reason a guy could support feminism is to ingratiate himself with women so that he might sleep with them, which both implicitly

All of these things are fair and rational requests to make. Can't see any reason anyone would have a problem with any of them.

American Sniper is just the Marine Todd internet meme made into a movie. Remember when The Passion of the Christ came out and people were afraid to criticize it for being nothing more than two hours of torture-porn because they were afraid of going to hell? That's Sniper. People don't want to be considered

As a Long Islander, the feeling is very much mutual.

Raid 2. The last two big fights in that movie are insane.

You correctly have The Raid: Redemption listed, but I don't see The Raid 2 listed right after that. Please correct this omission.

Just like in real life!

what irks me is the people saying she lumps legitimate criticism with these morons. She doesn't. The signal to noise ratio for her must be crazy.

They literally didn't even mention GG.

Can we agree not to call Lebron James "LBJ"? Particularly in a sentence that is also about politics and government, it's pretty ridiculous. I'm against calling Ladainian Tomlinson "LT" much less stealing the nickname of a fucking president. Let's scratch off "JFK" "RFK" and "MLK" as potential nicknames for future

That shit Trump said about the bedrock is totally true. One of the greatest challenges to building a skycraper is the foundation, and it's even harder when you pack a whole bunch together then run subways in between them. New York really is special, for that.

Meh, the writers are entitled to talk about whatever game's they happen to be playing.

"If they see you making decisions only in economic terms, they start to understand that and question what you're all about." — 21st Century America, in a nutshell.

John Lynch made a similar argument about ten years back when the NFL was fining big hitters and selling 'Greatest Hits' videos at the same time....

So the NFL is basically making up new fines and rules every week solely to target Lynch. Wouldn't expect anything less from this league.

Everyone asking "did the air in the footballs really make a difference?"....needs to realize that is NOT the point. The point is what have the Patriots NOT been caught doing? Google "radio frequencies real spygate issue", and read what the mainstream media has always chosen to ignore. All the 2007 "official" spygate

If he broke it off, you keep the ring. If you broke it off, you return it.

/\ THIS. Wrestling! I mean, come on. No wrestling but there's 3on3 and badminton etc etc. Freaking travesty.