
Gamergate, first coined by actor Adam Baldwin, is an amorphous campaign that is ostensibly about ethics in video game journalism and defending the "gamer" identity but has come under fire for its links to a wave of harassment, particularly of women, in gaming.

I have nothing to back this up with, but I've always assumed that every St. Louis Cardinals fan is like this.

A race to the bottom.

I am against any double standard. But if you ask me, banning all forms of annoying look at me public worship would be my solution.

This is not true. The real good gear comes from getting your Mark ranks up so you can purchase the legendary gear from the vendors. That requires doing missions/crucible/bounties. Players just shooting a cave and hoping for random drops aren't leveling up their marks.

Well, you know how it is - it didn't exist in the racists' minds until someone made them pay attention to it.

What? It's not hard to get gear. If people would stop relying on random drops and go after what is guaranteed they would already be 27+

Ya know, I understand that there's some issues with the loot and the randomization of it, but seriously. If people are playing the game as much as they say they are, they could already have the stuff they want (legendary items) by ranking up in the factions/Vangaurd/Crucible. I'm not gonna say anyone's playing it

I agree, I hit 27 faster than any of my friends. I have 1 Exotic helm (from the vendor) and 3 Legendary armor pieces (from 2 different factions). I played a decent amount, but focused on gaining reputation, and never did any loot farming. I pretty much did as many of the feasible bounties as I could, and always played

I'm standing in front of a cave, my assault rifle drawn. I'm shooting at a steady stream of identical aliens. I do this for an hour, hoping an alien will drop a good enough item so I can finally feel okay about walking away. That moment never seems to come. That's Destiny.

Yep, the exploration and story missions just aren't built for more than three. The game is supposed to exhibit a lonely vibe, with the Guardians being rare and powerful individuals of an already fractured civilization. Having a dozen Guardians blitzing through a zone would be contrary to the lore, and would make it

most of the logically-inclined would agree that Miller has a legitimate excuse for her tardiness

I agree that it'd be nice to have bigger squad sizes (or just team up with other squads to go on missions together if we want to stick to the organic Three Classes, One Class Per Squad thing) for reasons of friendship, but I also don't know that Destiny at current is best set up for large groups of people tearing

Next: Roger Goodell.

Exactly, shorts are not for cool people. They are for hot people who want to cool down.

Caring too much about how other people perceives you is a defining feature of being uncool, Mr. Howard.

The DH sucks. You suck. AL Baseball sucks and is the cancer that is killing baseball.

I like how our public narrative is "obamacare is forcing companies to not have full time staff" rather than "companies are so fucking amoral and greedy, they'd rather not function than treat their employees well."

Head architect Grigory Potemkin has some really beautiful plans for it, though.

Controversial? Mmmmm, maybe?

I would say it would be more controversial to have a game set up in a failed Capitalist state rather than Marxist. A state where corporations are considered people (but greater than people), where lobbyists have more sway in government than the voting block, and where the workers have