The american economy used to be perceived as good and strong because productivity and wages were growing together. That hasn’t been the case in over 40 years.
The american economy used to be perceived as good and strong because productivity and wages were growing together. That hasn’t been the case in over 40 years.
Labor Force Participation Rate, 1960 - 2016
Those aren’t bad guys waiting to put the hurt on the hero. They showed up with an army to attempt what Rama did on his own, the guy is smiling because he amused/impressed. They have no quarrel with him.
DoE scientists remotely conduct research using the LHC, so we are in part paying for its operation and benefiting from the discoveries it makes.
Two drinks is the recommended daily alcohol consumption by the Mayo clinic. If you’re at a party why wouldn’t you have a drink or two more, at least, than you do every other day?
When did “posse” become a racially charged word? Am I horribly outdated in thinking of a group of armed men assisting a sheriff when I hear it?
Better or worse that this?
How is Kars4Kids not on this list?
Does MAGA not stand for “My Ass Got Ate”?
Android seems to have a series of replies it cycles through
I’m choosing to view this as great hustle from Terry, he managed to pull JR out of the play from the bench.
I think quality should determine whether or not something is good art, not if its concept is offensive. The message and intention of the piece need to be considered. An offensive performance would be one with a bad message or that was intended to say something offensive. This performance attempts to say something…
And the tribute to it doesn’t borrow any of that context by directly referencing the work?
Can you call this poorly executed tribute to Life is Beautiful offensive without saying the film is as well? Does the quality of a work determine how much leeway it gets when trying to deal with sensitive subjects?
These challenges are an attempt to make sure every paper ballot vote is counted because there is cause to believe the computers aren’t reliable.
If you’re going to shower I recommend taking a beer with you.
If you watch the match back, what really stands out is the palatable tension in the room.
This sounds great, and these are definitely organizations deserving of donations, but who the hell has time for 151 games?
How has he made it this far into a season with 2 working knees?
Only if it is in recognition of the fact the Boba Fett is terrible and doesn’t deserve any of the love he is given.