
I am amused by Scandal’s fantasy world where two Republican Presidents are such advocates for racial justice.

Haha! I posted that shit before I walked in the room!

A comedic Western starring a black man? That’ll never work.

Though Logan isn’t listed among the guest actors in the next three press releases, one of the March 14 episodes (1x16, “One A-N—Angry M—Maya”) is supposed to have Maya serving jury duty along with Logan and Taylor’s mom; so I’m hoping they get into it a little bit about (or at least make a reference to) their sons’

Lol right, Dave Meltzer has been doing this for 30 years just to become a mid level booker or something. That’s a very reasonable and well thought out take. “Woodward is just looking to become president”

The Leagues had a dilemma: The customer lived with a traumatic brain injury, and was one of the chain’s most loyal customers. They knew he seemed to struggle with impulse control.

It cracked me up all the other people he asked lied that it was good, and that he was up his own ass enough to believe them. Sorry, Quincy, Cyndi won this round.

“Of My Dreams, Get Into My Car”


Wait—JIMMY FALLON was impressed?

I don’t think I’ve seen a single line delivered that well.

“The militant turns, surprised!”

I never knew I wanted a version of the Euronymous/Varg thing that’s a slapstick violence comedy, and now it’s all I can think about.

That’s also my theory. They’re trying to “save” her.

And then you meet him - I went to a reading before the scam came out - and you find out that he’s this obvious doctor’s son rich kid who basically wrote out his fantasies and then hoodwinked people by claiming (with, to be fair, an assist from his publisher) that it was all real.

I think, for a lot of people of a certain age, SBTB and Full House were where they realized that not all entertainment is created equal. They started watching these shows when they were too young to know any better, assuming they were good because hey, they’re on TV, these grownups must know what they’re doing.

You know, Moe was pretty mean to Curly.

If it is just a continuation, I’m still kind of expecting the second movie’s title to just be “Infinity Gauntlet,” though I suppose if that were the case they’d have announced it already