
Look! It’s Varner’s real estate career!
It’s Lill’s scout uniform!

Andy Denhart (who likes the twist, and actually announced that it had happened back in July) heard from a former contestant that at least the Ghost Island cast was told about the twist ahead of time.

I was really hoping Dr. Mike would at least elbow Jeff in the ribs when he brought up what a chickenshit move it was to vote for Ben instead of Devon.

Agreed completely. Joe was shouting at them for days upon days that they needed to get rid of Ben, and they ignored him. Producers weren’t telling them to do that.

Well, their hair and fingernails do, anyway.

It was based on a book which really shit on all the 80's stuff, including everything John Hughes contributed to the magazine, which is ridiculous, since his and PJ O’Rourke’s work basically kept the magazine afloat after the original writers left.

The best summing-up I’ve seen.

Can you still put the hamster in the microwave?

Her ridiculously shiny forehead provided the lighting for the soundstage where the episodes were filmed.

JJ’s video on last night’s SPEECHLESS had me tearing up.

Also, Ben’s stupid “kaboom” when he played the idol was fully deserving of a Chrissy eye-roll, given that they had already pretty much decided to vote out Ashley instead before they even knew he had an idol.

Was it Joe who told them they were all idiots for not voting Ben off when they had the chance? I feel like that’s going to be the takeaway from the season - if he makes it to the jury, they’re just bitter enough to want to vote against any of the others left. I can see Mike being dragged along as the goat with Ben and

They should just superimpose old footage of Julia Child over him at every opportunity.

Ben voted for Ashley too, which makes about as much sense as anything else this season.

Hey, according to Bruce Prichard, those were all completely by accident. Vince McMahon never wants to put anyone out of business.

Do Diamond and Silk count as one person or two?

He’s firing all his unqualified celebrity postings?

The big takeaway from all this:

I’ve been away all weekend and am trying to put all this together; was the cat person Ryan Lizza?

Not this week, but last week he and Joe were practically doing cartwheels on the beach after the blindside.