Also, that the media was fine with covering for him for the first 40 years of his career, but as soon as he started telling people to pull their pants up, shit's ON.
Also, that the media was fine with covering for him for the first 40 years of his career, but as soon as he started telling people to pull their pants up, shit's ON.
Fat Peter is going to be at Allred's press conference this afternoon.
Clearly, this is all the work of the Wretched, with the BIG FUN.
But they're in space!
Fudge Gets Divorced.
Also, somewhere in the article they should be outing a transgender person.
Because if there was one comedian who knew how to treat women right, it was Richard Pryor.
Men in Black 3 did pretty good, and that was only 2 years ago.
The "Love Will Keep Us Together" montage during Will's interview with the Princeton rep is one of my favorite things this show ever did. That, and the documentary about Geoffrey cheating in the marathon.
The stuff with Will and Uncle Phil was always great. The episode where they're trapped in a cave with a duffle bag full of money (you know, which happens all the time), Will's speech about only having one roller skate and Uncle Phil giving him another one was a tear-jerker as well.
The show also introduced us to the work of the immortal poet Raphael DeLaGhetto.
Or they promised to endorse them in their bid for sanitation commissioner.
They weren't saying "eh", they were saying "Br-eeeh-uce".
I haven't read Rolling Stone in a while; have they written any more articles recently about how they totally liked Led Zeppelin all along, seriously, no foolin', don't bother looking at the back issues, trust us?
U2 was number one? Springsteen number two? What happened, did Mick Jagger not release a solo album this year? Nice to see some new faces top the list.
Morris went on to fame and fortune. Elliott Gould went on to MULANEY.
I liked "Next Movie" better.
Yeah, that's why it made sense that Murphy turned down the part (if it was even offered to him - they still can't make up their minds about that, 30 years later). I could see introducing Murphy as Zeddemore on page 8, but I was fine with Hudson coming in at the middle.
This reminds me of that CADDYSHACK documentary where one of the caddies complains that their part was cut down to make room for more Chase, Murray and Dangerfield stuff.