
Are you ok? Most likely not taking your meds as prescribed. And no, there isn't an aids epidemic in the US. Africa, yes. US, no. I have a few friends who contracted HIV. They consume one pill a day. They will live forever and infect your degenerate kiddies. Yes, 150-175K a year. I believe you're a CNA. Now get back to

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're a 40 something fat fuck closet case who is on state or federal disability who trolls the internet. Amirite? There is no "Aids epedemic" in the US you dumb fuck. It is 2013 not 1983. Go back inside your mobile home to your fat wife and five kids who are sucking this country

Are you a fellow homo? If not, go fuck yourself.

Something tells me this kid crushes a lot of "poon".

Gay bars in Las Vegas are way off the strip. Something tells me you didn't accidentally walk into one.


I guess. Same thing happened to my aunt. She sought out a abortion clinic.

I'm sure you're more educated than me. Having children at 14,15,16,17,18,19, and so on is not rare in Roxbury, Mattapan, or parts of Dorchester. Most baby daddies are nowhere to be found. They're off breeding more kids they cannot take care of. As I said before, yes Lexington schools have a much richer tax base and

Sounds like you should've had an abortion.

The older kids do sell drugs in and near the school. You are comparing apples and oranges here. Lexington has fewer children and an extremely rich tax base to support its public schools. Those on welfare who rarely working long hours. I do blame the older children (14-19) for disrupting class and thus forcing the

I'm not blaming the 5 year olds. We have given a lot of money to inner city schools here in Boston. Guess what. They suck. A lot of the parents could care less about what kind of education their children are receiving. They live welfare check to check. Not all of them, but most. The kids bully each other, bring guns

I understand where you are coming from. I am not a racist person (yes, I know, when one says this it usually means they are racist). We have thrown tons of money at this problem. I work in areas with poc everyday. I see how they value human life and do very little to help themselves out of poverty. And yes, they are

Yes, shitty students. I'm a fairly liberal person too. These kids come to school not wanting to learn. I will say that it is due to mostly an absent parent and a parent who is more interested in getting the next D&D (dick and drugs). We have thrown tons of money at this problem to no avail. It is pure idealisim to

So how is this her fault? Schools that are predominantly black and hispanic have high crime rates. This is due to lack of parental guidance, shitty teachers, shitty students, and shitty conditions. Let's not try and be so politically correct and state some facts, people.

Southern and midwest states suck donkey dick in general.

replacing a toilet is an easy task and fairly inexpensive. Buy a one piece toilet. Easier to clean.

The masses love this show. I, for the life of me, cannot figure out how anyone could handle more than two seconds of this shitty show. Same goes for NCIS, CSI, CSI Miami, CSI Las Vegas, How I Met Your Mother, and all the other incredibly shitty network shows.

Because the line of men outside the church are all the mentally ill homeless dudes concentrated into one small area for a free meal. I would avoid it to and I am male police officer.

Good.fucking.gawd. She is even dumber than I remember. For all of those wondering how this moron governed a state. Remember, states like Texas, Alaska, SD are easy to govern as they have a huge abundance of natural resources. States with a lot of money are typically easy to govern.

what do you expect, its Mexico. Lax regulation on these types of shows. There should've been a fence and more distance between the trucks and audience. This is why you hear of so many more fatalities in other countries. The US has strict standards and regs regarding everything from Monster Truck shows to Cruise ships.