Do Electric Sheep dream of making sweet love to Robot Farmers.

yea, bur her statement was a great triumph for women’s equality right?

Ask yourself this, how well would you or her be received if “I Don’t Know What to Do With Good Black People” was written? If you want to DO anything with “good white people”, don’t universally label them as racists by default, make them culpable for something their ancestors were guilty of centuries ago, much like AAs

I hope that she at least has the goddamn common courtesy to give you a reach-around during the session!

So let me get this straight. Bill is villified for putting more policemen on the street to stop crime in a....wait for it....Crime Bill.

Yes! That’s exactly it. The lyrics are hardly feminist, they advocate staying with an asshole manboy. For crying out loud, I need something to wash that out of my mind.

A cliche perhaps, but still a valid one with many real world examples.

Domestication skills? Man I’m glad I’m not dating anymore. I haven’t domesticated a wild animal in years. And it wasn’t a great success. Squirrels are mean, Yo.

Reading the lyric, it also advocates withholding sex in order to get him to change.

The thing is, though, you can’t really expect boyfriends to do housework. They don’t have the time, being so busy leaving socks on the floor and making sure the toilet seat is up.

I think it’s more likely they’ll point to the jokes in the article as evidence feminists aren’t empathetic toward male victims. I wish we wouldn’t give them ammo.

Clearly that black girl is unable to stand on her own two feet without the stabilization provided by white feminists?

Thanks for your comment and I agree with what you are saying. As a German I can assure you that no-one has forgotten or wants to forget what happened 70 years ago (our 9th grade class trip was to a concentration camp - not an experience you quickly gloss over).

When I wear shorts that small, I don’t wear underwear. That way, if I have the opportunity to manspread, folks get a peek at what I’m packin’ down there.

Are you not people who enjoy food at all? I understand not everyone loves sweets, or meat, or bread and don’t miss them in their diet...but to be voluntarily restricted in this way, all the time? It sounds like such a sad way to live your life.

Yup, raising kids is very expensive and very hard.

Novak tells bad Djok? Its like he tried to say something that sounded supportive, but couldn’t help himself. :/

It’s the height of irony that so called liberals, in opposition of an ignorant bully, act like ignorant bullies themselves in bullying an person that believes differently then them.

On the flip side, I saw my husband as an equal who has complementary skill sets, acknowledges my intelligence and abilities, makes me happy, is handsome, and is great in bed. He thinks I’m smarter than him, but we just have different kinds of intelligence.

Yes. I think ultimately women very much on the personal level want to find a single male worthy of submission to and to think of as their “head” but as a general principle want the freedom to be known, and rightfully so, as equals to men in general.

Sucks for parents who can’t find evening sitters.