I like how you add the “southern” part in your quest to fight generalizations.
I like how you add the “southern” part in your quest to fight generalizations.
Kanye acted like a nigger.
Making Jewish traditions out to be the norm is like making “fetch” a new word.
you're an idiot
God damn, you disingenuous morons are just as bad as Republicans trying to spin a faux scandal out of Benghazi.
Non story.
fuck you die
Or fat asses.
I like the hypocrisy of telling this woman over and over what a horrible person she is.
It’s because despite being liberal, liberals are all still human and capable of the same judgmental, asshole thoughts liberals project onto white people, men and conservatives.
He’s a rich kid in a private school.
You’re calling her “ignorant” because she voiced an opinion that challenged your ego and thus your ego finds offensive.
Are you also going to talk about all the hate coming from people in the Muslim community towards non-Muslim community?
“We’re both being fucked by white people why not fight together.”
Extra sensitive are you?
Are men complaining about being victims of systemic sexism?
God damn, quit groveling.
You realize the police are part of the local, city and county, and sometimes state governments.
Jesus Christ, you’re a fucking moron.
I remember you telling me to “fuck off” once.