Do Electric Sheep dream of making sweet love to Robot Farmers.

“Men want to marry down, not up”

So you would want to punch a man based on his appearance?

Which is fine and perfectly human.

So you blame your own insecurities on society?

That’s exactly what it is.

Like you don’t comment and make fun of other things?

I hate the Warriors because they are so damn good and beat the Thunder, who I wanted to see go all the way.

Just more proof that some women make poor choices in men.

Just like you are very skilled at spinning the situation as abuse and all his fault, when you can’t possibly know the facts.

Grown women never have agency when it comes to a tempestuous relationship.

“tone deaf” bullshit.....who the fuck are the outrage police?

And yet she is more successful than you.

So you’re a hateful person.

You’re an idiot.

thats a thing with humans, but not you of course

you’re not supposed to admit that.

I wish I had the power, status and fortune that women and minorities believe I have.

Hillary’s political fortunes are about as good as they come.

Uh.....you do realize the pro-life movement is made up of women and men, don’t you?

Ok....you’re obviously a moron with poor reading comprehension skills and easily duped by partisan talking points.