Do Electric Sheep dream of making sweet love to Robot Farmers.

Your disclosure that you’re a CIS white woman is irrelevant as it had nothing to do with anything you said.

My take away is that no matter who you are(even a good looking, Oscar winning actress), everybody has their own perceived struggle in life.

“Adult actor” is a euphemism.

The readers of Jezebel who are looking to be offended.

You’re conversing with people who want to be offended and look for things to confirm their bias that the world doesn’t respect them because they are women.

Perhaps you’re looking to be offended?

So if it is not unreasonable to have a negative opinion of a sub-cultural group of people when one has numerous negative experiences with that sub-culture, then why the automatic assumption that the use of a slur (to describe that sub-culture one has had a negative experiences with) indicates general hatred for an

And the bye Felicia is hilarious on a couple levels here.

It didn’t make me angry.

Why don’t you go fuck yourself and die.

So, yeah, I kind of hated white people.

Those words are still slaying it.

You should hate yourself for being so stupid as to actually think there is an assault in that video.

One can also imagine the Kardashian women feel more confident in their bodies with a black man. As black men tend to like bigger butts and they can not lie.

The problem with this faux-scandal is the intention is not to just preach to the DNC choir.

You seem like a thoughtful person so I would like to add that the reason stereotyping white people can be harmful is because a lot of white people will hear that and only think hypocrisy.

That sounds like a nice rationalization.

You understand it. It’s hypocrisy.

Right....only non-white peoples’ feelings are valid.

Yes, all white people are thinking that. ALL of them.