
you are an ass.

There is a special circle of hell for me for laughing at this.

No secret needed, it is obvious you are a dick.

I hope he enjoys his comic book and then three quarters of the way through all the characters get killed.

Older people can and have been called adorable countless times.

He's now the King of Ukraine.

But what happened to this dog after? Siberia?

The best part was when one of these outstanding young women asked the President if he had brainstorming sessions too. He said yes, and the follow up question was "What did you come up with?" Obama laughed and said he hadn't come up with anything as cool as their robot, just you know, healthcare. DED from the CUTE. Of

Girls participating in science experiments? THANKS, OBAMA.

Look at this pile of babiness, and Obama's comfort in the middle of it. Even Ted Cruz is secretly shedding a tear.

So, you expose your entire life to prove his point.

I consider myself pretty stable, although not free of being a human being either. As someone in a doctoral-level psychology program, I see a mix of people who have issues and people who really have their shit together. The problems I see most often are perfectionism and competitiveness. People who enter psychology

Based on what you are saying...or not revealing...it would suggest that not a single person you ever saw actually understood CBT. It's not just a process of identifying ineffective thoughts...and it's definitely not "just stop thinking that."

I was talking to this lady at an afterparty. She asked me what I do for a living, so I explained to her I'm still training to be a psychiatrist. Her response, "honey, everyone studies that in their undergrad. Just tell me you have no idea what you want to do once you graduate". I just rolled my eyes.

FWIW, I never found CBT useful either. (I, too, have been to a long line of professionals, including multiple hospitalizations.) After hitting rock bottom, I started seeing a psychologist who used Carl Rogers' Person Centered approach with patients, and within a couple of years, I had stopped drinking and using,

I think young folks do it because it feels good. It feels good to look good, to capture that moment—and for some—to share it with the world. It is self-obsession, which I think is to be expected with any young person trying to figure her/himself out.

I wish someone could explain to me the fascination people have with selfies. I'm not talking about "Here we are at the beach," but the people, I tend to notice the women, who take hundreds of pictures of themselves posing in mirrors and then feel the need to post them on social media networks. It seems to be younger

I wear makeup every day (not schlubby at home days, obvs) and I did not previously believe myself to be unusual in that, and yet somehow this whole series has been populated by women who wear almost no makeup on the regular. I feel like I must be a unicorn. But since I had no idea that I was alone in makeup wearing,

Um, the entirety of art, literary and music history is one long sequence of people riffing off their predecessors and peers. You could not have classical music without antiquity, impressionism without romantics.

Mozart was a child prodigy and a genius. No amount of practicing will help anyone become him. It's a bit disingenuous to say his success came after 10 years of hard work. He started his career at six years old and was composing operas by 13. He could write entire scores by memory after hearing it performed only