havey cavey

Jaime has had incredibly strong jacket game throughout, but that was definitely peak jacket

IT TOOK US A REALLY LONG TIME TO READ THEM ALL OK?!?! We have to justify all that time we spent that we could have used to like, learn another language or something!!

Yes. Also I think this was why Ned pushed back whenever Robert said anything about wiping all Targaryens from the earth. I remember this scene from the show, pretty sure it happened in the books, but it’s been like ten years since I read the first one.

The Dorne storyline should be put on trial for war crimes. Ugh.

That chapter was the most interesting, imo. Wonder if they’ll touch on it in the show.

Do you KNOW how long it took me to read just the FIRST goddamn book in that series?! I EARNED my right to be snooty, you TV-watching plebs!

This is how I found myself with a weird crush on Jeb Bush. The horror!

I’m sorry you couldn’t have that conversation with your mom, it’s sad that that seems pretty common. It sounds like my dad (not that I would have had THAT convo with him anyway, but his prudishness even today borders on comical... I swear he’s Prince Albert reincarnated).

“You’re telling me I’m going to bleed out of my hoohah for the REST OF MY LIFE until I AM OLD? Yeah, right mom.” *Cue six-year-old eye roll*

My mom is pretty awesome. Looking back at her explanation about masturbating (“Totally natural, but private”), she was pretty chill for an evangelical.

My mom was (is) a nurse, and was always very matter-of-fact about sex and bodily functions. I never felt embarrassed to ask her anything, she was very frank, despite being a conservative Christian in the Bible Belt. Our discussions about sex (at least in my high school years) were more like “Well, I think you should

I also live in the South and I see this haircut on plenty of (presumably) non culty regular bros. It always seems to be accompanied by a camo jacket and army boots. I see it like a neon sign saying “hey, you don’t need to bother getting to know this person, you will not get along.”

The Holy Writ of Left Behind

I think about this all the fucking time. Especially after there was a guy pretending to be a cop to pull over women in my city a few years ago.

came for Jubilee, stayed for Michael Fassbender in flannel

I’ve never met anyone with a bigger boner for the end of the world than Evangelical Christians. It’s fucking creepy. All the Huckabee types and their weird condescending obsession with Israel *shudder*

I grew up in Arkansas, and my mom, who is a devout Christian, couldn’t stand Huckabee and didn’t vote for him as governor because she remembered his preaching days. She had a problem with him leaving what she saw as the “higher calling” to preach the word of God in order to gain political office. I’m not as religious