James S

I really don’t understand how someone could be a college/university president for 40 years and still be useful. The college that I work for, which is one of the top undergrads in the country, has only been around for something like 60 and we’ve had something along the line of 8 presidents. Each brought their own way

One of the biggest things that worked for me as far as diet was just to stop eating out as much. It saves a ton of money, I feel better, and I eat less. Eventually this became a thing where I don’t like buying “boxed” meal types of things. One day of the weekend my wife and I will do some meal prepping for lunches and

Pretty sure the drama helped bury this tour. If the stuff with D’arcy didn’t come out I am sure they would have done a little better to sell tickets. That coming out just reminded people that Billy is a D-bag, and they’ve sucked for more years than they’ve been good. Really not sure why they thought doing an arena

Those f’ing Riddler trophies. Ugh. While some of them are interesting puzzles, there are too many of them that are just randomly placed on ledges and whatnot. I got them, and the end result of that was good, but it was just a pain in the rear.

Kinda tired of this song being used for these kinds of trailers. Would love to hear something else crop in of a similar vein. Maybe something from Rage Against the Machine?

Some of the best villains, to me, are the ones that make us question our heroes and whether on a bad day we might agree with them. I honestly kept hoping that Killmonger could have been saved at the end, because he wasn’t all that wrong. Maybe in his execution of his goals, but not the ideology. Ultimately it made

It would have been interesting to see what these people’s gut bacteria was like at all of the stages of the study, since that is a pretty big thing right now. Perhaps the people that lost a ton of weight had healthy bacteria levels while those that gained weight didn’t. It could also be the reverse of that. There

Surprised that I haven’t seen people mention how Killmonger’s plan is just an oversized version of his father’s heist plan. Given his motivation, how shallow the plan is makes complete sense.

Really seemed like he was into having her join up at the beginning, and then by the end he was talking himself out of it.

As someone who works in education, this is amazing. I’d love to see more of this happen.

This has pretty much been my thought and experience over the last couple of years as I’ve thought about buying smart devices and the few that I have actually brought into my home. I was eager to get an Echo when they first came out, but I was stuck on the logic of “why” we “needed” one. I couldn’t figure that out so

I wondered about the reskinned thing after seeing some of the play through from E3 ‘17. Sad. I enjoyed I Am Setsuna, but had a lot of issues with the story. I hoped that with its success that the follow would be better. I am sure that I’ll still buy it, but like Setsuna, I will wait for a good sale.

I’ve been leaving a stick of butter out on the counter for the last couple of years (not the same stick). I keep it in a 1 cup Pyrex bowl that I keep closed if not actively using it. The only time I see spoilage happen is if someone isn’t good about cleaning the knife after using it (bread crumbs and such ending up in

When I quit two years ago that was very much how I did things. For me the biggest hurdle was always that first one of the day, usually right when I got out of bed. As soon as I pushed that one off it became a lot easier to go a little longer without one, then a little longer. One day I forgot my patch. Normally I

Just got one for Christmas since our slow cooker died. So for I’ve only made some potatoes (used for making potato salad) which went really well. They came out a little over done, but hey, it took 10 min. and it was the first thing I’ve ever done in it. The second thing was some Turkey stock. That took something like

Once upon a time when I was trying to quit smoking I tried switching to lollipops. I bought a huge bag of them, assuming that it was mostly the oral fixation and habitual action that kept me smoking. Didn’t work. I tried a lot of things to get me to quit over the years, but it wasn’t until I started running that

Thanks for this. My wife and I started the process in Jan. and were approved/licensed in Aug. It has been a long and often frustrating process (our county literally redid the entire process right when we started), but it was helpful to remember why we are doing this, what the social workers are dealing with, and that

This is how it is for my wife and I, though admittedly more on my part. We both grew up in religious households where Christmas was a part of that. For her it was about going to Midnight Mass and the like. For me it was just the normal non-Catholic Christian stuff. I loved Christmas though and as I entered adulthood

Having had worked for good ole GC once upon at time, I have to agree. He just needed to break into a story about being a roadie or guitar tech for some obscure jam band back in his 20's, and how they asked him to go back out on their reunion tour, which will never actually happen.

So they won’t “throttle” speeds. Doesn’t say anything about creating a prioritization tier. They wouldn’t technically be throttling, deliberately slowing down traffic to a site/user, but they could easily grant a site/user preferred access through their systems. It wouldn’t be slowing things down, just letting certain