James S

Most Expensive Piece of Equipment: Also my Kitchenaid Stand Mixer, but I don’t get much use out of it nowadays, other than the attachments. I do most of my bread making by hand now, so it only gets used once in awhile for a dessert item. Second most expensive is my KoMo Grain Mill. Use that thing at least once a week

Its been a weird few months with D2. I played D1 a lot, but never played the Raids because I tend to be antisocial when it comes to gaming. With D2 a buddy had me join his clan and I have been able to set aside time to do most of it once. It was fun, but I didn’t really see it as something I was missing out on. I had

I was able to contain myself pretty well this year. My only real splurge was on the $170 Ecovac Deebot M80. I kept telling myself that it was a gift for my wife, but really it was for me/us. I was tempted to buy one of the smaller 4k tv’s for our bedroom, but just couldn’t con myself into it.... yet. Instead of the

I didn’t see the usual “Made with Unity” logo when the game loaded, but they could have paid for the “pro” version which gets rid of that. Given the multi-platform releases though, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were made with it.

I wonder how a modern version of this could look like in some heavily urban city. You would need to raise it up to bumper height so that it was more visible, and add in some kind of weather protection/safety shell. I “could” see it working if someone like Tesla were to market it right, to the right people. Even as a

I’m one of those few that avoid trailers. Normally I will watch the first trailer that gets released and then avoid the rest. I seriously had my eyes closed and ears plugged in the theater this weekend when the Last Jedi trailer came on.

My wife and I saw it this weekend. The humor was on point. Ever since seeing the Ghostbusters redux with Hemsworth, and how funny he was in that, and hearing from the women in the cast about how funny he normally is, I was really happy to see Chris get to have some fun with the role. The director helped a lot with

I’m way more interested in this as a budget Hololens type of thing. I’m really wondering when/if some dev hacks will come out for it.

I had similar experiences growing up. The family rule growing up was that all of us kids had to play a sport and play an instrument in band. I was the youngest, so all of my siblings had gone on before me and done great in both of those things. I came along and just had zero interest in either. I enjoyed playing

The thing that helped me the most with my first drafts has always been, just write. Don’t edit, fix, or try to come up with some witty thing for a particular part. Just write. This is true especially for the NaNoWriMo. Usually once I’ve “finished” for the day I do the word count and plug it into the NaNo site. Then I

Hm. I would totally be interested in this if Google Fi were a carrier option. My Nexus 6 is nearing its end, and I haven’t been totally sold on the Pixels yet.

The first year (2015) I spent the week before NaNo pretending it was NaNo and doing a bunch of binge writing. That year I wrote a novel that I had kicking around in one form or another for years. Even with the holiday and a big move mixed in I managed to hit the 50k word goal by the end of the month. Granted, by the

I’m one of those that does the workout and then eats at my desk on the 4 days that I workout at work. I can manage a 5k+ run twice a week and a 35-40 min. bike ride or some other workout the other two days, and still have time to shower before getting back to my desk and downing whatever I brought for lunch. Since

My wife and I are in this group. We’ve been talking about cutting the cord for years, but will finally be doing it in a couple of weeks. There were always one or two critical channels for us that weren’t offered. Things have changed though. We spent the last week trying out different services, and we really didn’t

I really wish that I could have played PT, but I didn’t get a PS4 until recently. I’ve watch some play throughs though, and they were pretty amazing. I really love the more atmospheric types of horror games, even if they have shooter elements. Probably my favorite moment was playing Dead Space 2 and you find out that

I’d love to say that I am surprised, but I am not. My wife and I were big fans of the initial game, but when we started picking up the adventure sets, they were all really uninspiring. They would be fun for a few minutes to go through the mini level that started them out, but then you were just left with an open area

The whole time that they were at the Sanctuary I just kept wondering where their sniper was. Seriously, if only Negan had to die, and that’s what they kept saying before they got there, why didn’t they have someone there with a rifle to take the head shot and save everyone a lot of ammo and time. Instead they wasted a

I’ve done the NaNo the last two years. The first year I was able to”win,” but only barely. The second year I only wrote about 5k words before I became too busy (buying a house, moving, and half marathon training) to get any meaningful writing done. I was planning on doing it this year, and already had a story somewhat

I love my KitchenAid. I’ve had it for almost a decade now and have thrown a lot of stuff at it. Now though I use it mostly for the attachments as I do breads by hand. I have a grain mill (MockMill) attachment that I’ve done a lot with, the Pasta attachment set which has worked great so far, and the multi-use

I will admit that after seeing some reviews that weren’t stellar, my expectations were a bit muted. I think that was actually a good thing in the end. I loved the movie, minus a few bits, but if I had gone in with my expectations as high as they were before seeing those reviews, I might have been a little