Aye, I hear them saying that all the time on the pages they link and comment on. “I’m not paying for everyone else’s healthcare when they can’t be bothered working.” and so on. It’s nauseatingly short sighted.
Aye, I hear them saying that all the time on the pages they link and comment on. “I’m not paying for everyone else’s healthcare when they can’t be bothered working.” and so on. It’s nauseatingly short sighted.
A timely piece. Thanks for sharing your experience.
I am happy to pay my National Insurance contributions and would be happy for it to increase to be safe in the knowledge that when my daughters have babies, or get sick, or if I need more medical care, I don’t have to bankrupt myself just to get the help I need.
The biggest lie Americans, especially conservatives, love to tell ourselves is the one about self-determination and self-reliance.
Reading this, as a UK resident, I can only shake my head in disbelief. Since last year, I have had a number of health issues all no doubt due to hitting 40 and my body deciding that the previous 20 years of ill use were enough.
I’ve had cameras in three orifices, and due for two of those orifices to receive cameras…
See, I love me a good lip balm for moisture, but I hate gloss and I will NOT go back. It’s sticky and I spend all my time wondering if it’s on my cheek after my hair got trapped in it...
Can we stop calling it ugly? I like it and don’t appreciate Lifehacker trying to push clickbait titles.