
Does anyone else on the spectrum fucking HATE that puzzle piece logo?

I saw this in Miami last week...

When this is all over and everyone is in jail, all future political scandals will be judged and refered to by how ‘Trumpian’ they are and we will never hear the stupid -gate suffix again.

Assuming we’re still alive at this point and assuming that literacy and education in general are still things in the future, I am so incredibly curious about how the history books will portray this period. How even do you accurately characterize such a shitshow? How will a presidency literally defined by scandal be

Nobody is saying what this is really about - self-deportations. The government is well aware that it lacks the resources to round up over 10 million people. It simply cannot do it. What it CAN do, however, is create such a climate of fear and distrust that people will begin to voluntarily leave. The next things we see

Then, echoing Trump’s favored descriptor, Hannity remarked, “That’s sad, Ted. That’s sad.”

“We have to give some credit to the American people that they’re somewhat intelligent and that they know the difference between an opinion show and a news show,”

This is the pattern for republicans, over and over. The party claimed “moral” as a marketing term when I was a child. And over the years, I’m realizing that the way they use it is entirely external. Trump won, in part, because he appealed to this very specific type of moralistic language. He talked about banning

I think Hannity really thought Koppel was going to say “no, but...” when he asked “you think I’m bad for America?” Joke’s on you, Sean.

Like dude, she’s just not that into you. Give it up.

I know it’s been said, many times many ways, but he...really has no idea what’s going on, does he?

David Cay Johnston low key DRAGGED Trump in the best way ever. “I mean he prolly leaked his own wife’s nudes” is a sick fucking burn. Me:

How can we help?

Republicans are acting like politics is some hip new burrito shop that they want to keep secret from everyone else. Then everyone found out about these dope ass burritos, even helping each other locate the burritos. Now they will try anything to keep their beloved secret shop from being flooded with hungry patrons.

Why the fuck do we continue to invite LITERAL hate groups to participate in “constructive” dialogue? I’m so tired of this “both sides need a voice” false equivalency fuckgarbage.

I watched this in real time. He acted like the question was a total curveball and was beside the point. No, Sir. It IS the point.

This just shows you how isolated in their little bubble these people are. This guy clearly doesn’t know any trans people in real life; they are just some boogey-men out there that he imagines looks like John Cleese in a dress and acts like a sex-crazed lunatic. Faced with an actual, real-life trans person who just