Have a Gawk

This is so tragic in so many ways. If there is a hell, that girl is definitely going there, but I’m also not so sure that we should be prosecuting people (mentally unstable people and teens in general, especially) for the suicide of another person. I think this is one of those cases where no matter what you do, no

“He sent the message at 6:25 p.m., then told his mother he was leaving the house to visit a friend and not to expect him home for dinner. He made a short drive to a remote corner of the Fairhaven Kmart parking lot. At 6:28 p.m., he called Carter and talked to her for 43 minutes. At 7:12, she called him. The call

Living in Massachusetts, I have been following the case since her arrest and what she did was seriously messed up.

Remember how we always think this is gross when a man is saying it about a teen girl? I remember.

Handy guide to Jez reaction to mass shootings. Killers are white guys—hooray! Wait, what? Oh no—they're not white Christian NRA abortion clinic bombers. They're Muslims. How tragic for Muslims! Never mind the dead people—what about The Backlash?