
Why wouldn't it? Most (many?) arbitration provisions (and the rules of the various sponsoring organizations) require confidentiality, and as long as any award was paid there would be no need to file the award in court to obtain a judgment. A Carfax or similar report would then just note the sale to the customer and

Have mfrs and dealers started putting arbitration provisions in the purchase agreements? Just wondering why they wouldn't do that to keep these cases from being publicly disclosed. Is there a federal statute that prevents it? Does Michigan have a state statute prohibiting it? Thanks.

I crashed in the first 20 second while sitting at my desk watching this.


"Ms. Azalea, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may

In other news, Klinsmann admits he was drinking schnapps the entire game.

Being fired over this fracas must be the coldest cut of them all!

For $100m, I'd take a chance!

Pizza is pizza, man. Unless it's that Pizza Hut crap. Then it's just crap.

wouldn't this be a Full Orlove?

Mr. Pedestrian says that if he wanted you to know what his Keep out was, he'd tell you. But he doesn't, so GTFO. :)

And the feds are acting like VC funds but not taking any of the upside. Fund a bunch of companies, hope one hits, make bank. Here, the feds are funding a bunch of companies, making (I believe) unsecured loans, and then losing all the $ on failures and making no $ on successes other than nominal interest payments.

NFL Press Release: Jim Skow says NFL head trauma actually improves memory!

Now playing

Worst driver ever .... or best? I mean, other than the Dukes of Hazzard, who gets that much air at a toll booth?

So if you have an asshole friend that starts a fight and gets punched for it, you are going to jump in and make it 2 versus 1? That seems wrong to me.

When did the French take over BBC?

I'm sure his sources in the NFL office confirmed it for him, though!

"That was fun for a minute."

With these teams needing RBs, why is no one mentioning Demarco Murray? Does he just want too much money? Do people think the Cowboys beat him up so much last year that he is about ready to fall off the cliff at 27 instead of 31?

Thank you!