That doesn't sell magazines!
That doesn't sell magazines!
I like the Yes To Carrots conditioner because he doesn't have anything in it that makes me break out. It works fairly well for my dry, curly hair. That's the only Yes To product I've used that I can think of.
Very true. Patsy Stone-levels of fab will never be in Dina's reach.
In the picture accompanying the story about Lindsay and Dina's most excellent New Year's Eve, Dina is giving a straight up Patsy Stone face.
Thanks for the real science info! I think I have some reading up to do.
If it was done on Star Trek, and we didn't even have half of the technological innovations that we do now, then it has to be possible, right?
Is there some other way to diffuse the radiation that would be similar to Earth's magnetic field but won't obviously cause electronic problems in space-going equipment? How did we deal with this on Star Trek?
On our local Craigslist right now someone is selling her whole rabbitry business, but she is also willing to trade it for diamond jewelry or computers.
Anywhere I plant mint, it grows everywhere else but where it was originally planted. I've gone to just keeping it in a potted container, but yet, if you keep it happy, it will never let you down.
That makes me happy! I have read the book but never seen the musical (I only know a few of the songs). I'm going to see the movie tomorrow with my sister, so at least I will be smug in my book knowledge of the story.
When I worked at Williams Sonoma, someone on my shift was restocking knives and accidentally left a basket full of them by the cashwrap when she went to go get something. A customer paying for something else put his coat on top the basket and walked out with about $600 worth of knives. It's crazy how organized and…
Yeah, totally debunking that women don't need an escape thing. Since childhood, my sister and I have treated the bathroom like our private safe room. Hours have been spent in there, laying around, reading, whatever. Since having a kid, it has been even more important to have a place to retreat to that no one,…
"c) Will DiCaprio's Gatsby be as good as Redford's? I should try to see that version again. " It's on Netflix Instant Watch, or was recently. So there's that!
Not a linguist, but the coastal Southern accent tends to include the rounded, extended vowel thing that is very similar to how a British accent sounds. The further inland you go, the more you lose that, as well as the northern tips of the south (Kentucky, Tennessee) are more twangy.
Tom Cruise's ethics test reminds me of a friend of mine in college who didn't get hired at Chi Chi's because we all got stoned before she did her telephone hiring questionnaire, and she accidentally answered that she was racist and didn't think stealing was a bad thing.
I was that kid in class who had allergies to everything (surprisingly not to peanut butter) and had to have special snacks different from everyone else. I have environmental allergies, food allergies, and kitty allergies. Things have calmed down immensely as I've grown up, but I still am so sad that I'll never get to…
Seriously! I will not try to stop him at all. Naked movies all the time featuring Ewan McGregor!
Seriously. Where has that been all my life?!
I still can't figure out why our teacher showed it as a class party movie in grade school. It was creepy then, and it still creeps me out when I think about it 20-some years later.