Its definitely not a looker.
Its definitely not a looker.
Boy, this joke is just flying over people’s heads today. The joke is that the production model will be terrible enough to pick apart when it arrives, because Tesla.
While the stars might align, Tesla body panels never will.
It’s unfair to pick apart a prototype for its specific issue related to non-serial build quality. General issues and serial build quality will be enough to pick it apart when its time.
Formatting issues aside: that’s, as they say, the joke.
“Where is the defense of Lebron James whose hairline was the source of a joke like an hour before this? His hair loss could just as likely be medical.”
You don’t need to be portrayed as being frail and sick to be worthy of compassion. She shouldn’t need to meet some weird standard of “being sick enough” to not have her condition cruelly called out. She deserves an apology too. It was unfunny and just a generally shitty thing for Rock to do. The slap wasn’t OK, but…
elon musk is a modern day snake-oil salesman and we need to stop giving him money and attention.
Why do all “metaverse” games look like a Christian CGI cartoon from 2003?
Luke, do you have any friends that are strippers? I suggest asking them what they think. Is it okay to have sex during a lunch break? What if it’s with a sex worker? What if you look at porn? Is that OK? Or is it only wrong if anyone else is there from the office?
If you can’t tell the difference in intent between the slogans, I don’t know what to tell you.
“Make America Great Again” encompassed a whole lot more than “Buy American”
The new recruits here lately have been confusing stunning engineering with the rich people who own them, and that their job should be to cover the vehicle first. Almost everyone who reads Jalopnik already thinks Bezos is a scumbag, piling on is just annoying. Spanfeller’s plan for G/O seems to be to turn it into a…
I mean you can make fun of the guy for having a “toy” like this but you know what? This project has employed hundreds of people in the hard hit marine sector and will continue to employee lots of people for the substantial on-going maintenance that will be required. Captains, engineers, all the other crew, the ports…
Love. It’s what makes a Subaru a Subaru.
He looked like a total badass. The control of his weapon points to adequate training. Glad he’s armed and spraying our highways for justice.
So Jalopnik really out here making us all resort to google to see the before and afters, huh.
Because crypto fucking sucks and the only people that think otherwise are the ones buying into the scheme?
because crypto is a scam.