Rodney McKay

I hope you don’t have small children who watch you doing this. PTSD would be a cruel thing to inflict on them.

For many years I used that Saco stuff, because I didn’t know about anything else. But then I discovered that Bob’s Red Mill is 𝘷𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘭𝘺 tastier. Unfortunately, being pure, it’s also a concentrated source of lactose, which can be a problem for some of us. https://www.amazon.com/One-Sweet-Crea…

The 2% rewards advantage of the store card over the Visa isn’t worth the extreme pain of having to deal with Synchrony Bank.

The 2% rewards advantage of the store card over the Visa isn’t worth the extreme pain of having to deal with

“Workspace”? Riiiight. 𝘞𝘢𝘺 too neat to be believable. I don’t even see any drawers to hide papers in. Windows with no shades behind the monitors? Also, how do you water all those plants without dripping everywhere? Oh, and look—a noisy, ugly window air conditioner instead of a minisplit. This is so beautiful and

I hated The Force Awakens for exactly this reason (and my wife wasn’t so fond of me for complaining about it throughout the movie). I normally enjoy a reasonable amount of dejavuiality, but SW:TFA was way over the top with it. Or maybe seeing Han Solo age just gives me the willies because I’m about the same age he’s

I have fresh avocados with my breakfast almost every day, and figuring out “slice first” a while back has saved me an enormous amount of aggravation. Plus, if you do it this way it’s easier to find & remove bad spots without mucking up the rest.

Synchrony Bank (the supplier of the Amazon Store Card) caused me a massive amount of trouble (endless phantom charges, incompetent customer support, and more) for the six months or so I was foolish enough to use that card. I’m not a huge fan of Chase, but they’ve actually gone out of their way to help me occasionally

He’s channeling Steve Jobs!

Any advice on how to vote often?

No gun. So, Shep, what laptop do you use?

No gun. So, Shep, what laptop do you use?

Bah. Use hot coffee.

Brush combs (with lots more tines than a fork has) are a thing.

Then, use the berry water to make a cocktail. Win-win!

Hmmm... I wonder if this is true for my Power Mac 9600, which I’ve been keeping around on the off-chance that I ever want to run OS 9 apps again.

Yup. I’m happily on an Early 2008 Mac Pro. No trash cans for me! (double entendre there)

Unless Sierra brings back Finder Labels I’m sticking with Mountain Lion anyway, and won’t buy a new Mac that won’t run Mac OS 10.8.5, the last 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 version. My entire productivity system revolves around that feature, and there is no native substitute in later versions of the Finder. Damn you, Apple!

My not-so-old Nexus 5 gets no Google Project Fi love.

“constant temperature water bath” Seems like sous-vide gear is becoming as ubiquitous as the microwave.

This simple little article led to over two hours of my time vanishing into coffee maker research, and in the end I just ordered the OXO using your link. Thanks a lot... /sarcasm

This simple little article led to over two hours of my time vanishing into coffee maker research, and in the end I

I remember the “good ol’ days” when Gizmodo would post incendiary crap just to stir up the rabble and bring on truly epic flamewars, then go on a gleeful orgy of commenter banning just to satisfy the egos of little shits like the Tarantula (I abandoned Engadget when they gave him shelter). I got into a humongous fight