I think you’re focusing on the wrong thing. I could be reading too much into this article, but they used some very strange word choices is this “study”, which leads me to believe we have to read between the lines, such as:
I think you’re focusing on the wrong thing. I could be reading too much into this article, but they used some very strange word choices is this “study”, which leads me to believe we have to read between the lines, such as:
Did all the men and women in her office have the same job title, experience and qualifications?
Wage gap is a myth, we have laws in place that prevent that and anyone who is truly a victim of it is guaranteed a winning lawsuit. There is, however, a wage EARNINGS gap and it’s due to numerous reasons. Women tend to take lower risk, lower stress jobs then men do. They tend to put in less hours at work. They tend to…
Neither does lumping all wages from varying fields of work does a good study make.
So what is this gender wage gap?
I keep hearing about it with zero proof that it actually exists.
Who cares?
He’ll be in prison soon where some guys will be pounding his other buns.
Cuomo is a slimeball that has pissed of people on the left and right equally. For those outside of NYS who don’t keep their NYS corruption score card up to date, it’s not just Cuomo. Here’s a sample.
Wow Cuomo is linked to yet another corruption scheme. What a shock. /sarcasm.
Dude falls in and gets crushed 167 times by a piece of equipment that should have, at the very least, had a goddamn emergency shut-off = 100% the fault of whoever owns the station due to negligence.
I’ve never fallen in a hole and cost the tax payers of a city $10 mil. You and I are the ones who pay when people fuck up like this, sue and win.
If he was drunk, then its his own fault. The service tells you to watch your step. Someone who is drunk and not paying attention, whose motor skills are impaired is not the MTA’s fault.
“As if a sober person would have been able to withstand the crushing platform extender?”
‘merica. Where if idiots are doing idiotic things, they aren’t left to remove themselves from the human gene pool, but are saved and then even walk off with a hefty sum as a reward for their stupidity, while the smarter ones can barely make the rounds.
I’m going to hell...
I wish I got ten million every time I got hurt when I was drunk
At least he still had his tunes.