Hatless Süspęçt and 6 others

But getting to the fourth or fifth kicker is not the goal (pun unintended) - outscoring the opponent is.

You are confusing yourself. You are guaranteed five shots, but there is no reason to take superfluous kicks when the outcome is determined.

Alright, alright you win.

You call that a coat rack?

If only.

They need to walk around with the hair for months, like Bobby the Brain Heenan did after Ken Patera and Big John Stud sheared Andre the Giant.

I just got thrown out of Jez-land.

Female circumcision

That was some eh+ bitching.

The only note this guitar pedal won’t play is a b-flat.

Yes. Everyone is a troll. Special little snowflake.

If I was an over-the-top asshole, wouldn’t I have collided with all the points that fly over your head?

It’s not a conversation. It’s someone spouting off factually incorrect info over and over. After a certain amount of responses, it becomes acceptable to become curt.

God damn it. Arrrr. I am not missing that point.

I don’t think so. It’s just your standard issue male-centric imperial law. Male and his male heirs, no matter the class of wife, are assured throne. Women can stay in as royalty, only if they stay unmarried or marry another male royal - but cannot attain the throne.

Your definition of a lot is way different than mine.

Can’t be a jezzie, I lack the stupidity gene common to you people.

You are welcome cunt.

Your reading comprehension sucks and you are an idiot.

Holy fuck, alright I’ll explain this to you like a child.