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He is 66 years old. I’d happily flip him if it includes 25 years in jail. Everything is relative.
Trump is playing DD chess.
You and me both. Same exact cycle of thoughts.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease is probably the most famous American proverb ever. How is shutting up gonna help?
Huh? I read the whole. And one of the points of the comment section is to point out flaws. And there is a major fundamental one that is glaringly absent - acknowledging that US women’s soccer plays second fiddle to no other sport in this country.
Alonso was playing to the homerun score.
Dude owns a stake in the Dodgers. No need to extend, just fine him.
Who knows, maybe should doesn’t like whiny little bitches.
This article ignores one fundamental fact, none of the countries best male athletes play soccer.
Your best proof that the holocaust is real - public companies and corporations that were found to have profited from the Nazi’s set up a humanitarian fund for the victims of the holocaust. And the dollar figure was in the billions. No company would ever give money away for no reason.
I’m trying to understand your, ummmm, unique rules towards capitalization. First I thought maybe you were just adverse to the capital ‘i’. But then Swalwell is not capilized. So maybe it’s ‘i’ and ‘s’. But then I went back again, and saw Splinter capitalized. And then I read a third time, and saw the the last ‘i’ was…
First I need to know if you have any Cy Young’s in your closet.
I don’t think he necessarily had a bad showing. And unless you mainline MSNBC into your veins, you exposure to Swalwell probably has been minimal up to this point.
This was a big win for Swalwell. Now he has had national exposure. And has signified his intentions for greater office. Most don’t jump to the highest reaches of government without first building up name recognition.
They don’t come anywhere near generating billions - but I agree with your greater point of preservation.
Con and Steal also had a big hand in building these baseball stadiums.
I do think the smaller QB’s of today also benefit a bit more from the absolute protection their position is afforded from rules instituted since Flutie played, then do larger QB’s. Not sure how much it weighs on their domination, but it has to play at least a small role.
I only problem I have with Meryl Streep being cast in Season 2. Season 1 was amazing, so well acted, and you could really see the amazing talents displayed by all the actresses, both stand alone and as an ensemble - which was magnificent.
Rafi. I don’t think that was a bar full of French patrons. Looked more like Americans in a bar located in France.