Hatless Suspect v5.0

There’s a semblance of truth there. Consenting and non-hypocritical, withstanding.

Dangling threat - nice one Megan.

That somehow makes you even more pathetic. Are you such a big fan of mediocrity, cause that is obviously all that you can ever achieve.

This generations Marilyn Monroe.

I like how practical you were in breaking down these yoga pants.

You’re more of a butt girl?

And yes, I would deposit a few dollars back up there as a thank you. I’m not a heathen.

If I was performing a bit of the cunnilingus and I happened upon a flask - I would take a nip without even asking what type of booze was being stored.

You are part of the problem. I wish you were self aware - but it will never happen. But let’s me say again. You are part of the problem.


But I bet he can craft a fantastic independent movie.

To a guy that thinks Heathcote was an extraordinary coach. Who discounts Valvano’s championship and superior win percentage over a guy whose only accomplishment was taking one of the top 5 greatest players ever to a championship. And without, was a .500 coach. Lou Carnasecca’s sweater wears a bigger jock strap than

Relax nutso. I understand MSU had Magic and rightfully destoyed them. There is a name recognition imbalance and I was just having some fun with that.

Like I said, you are a big part of the problem. You won’t think you are, and there is no convincing you otherwise, but you are.

I don’t think there is a magic answer that will solve everything at once. It is not all or nothing. And yes, you are right - there still will be examples of malfeasance and tragedies. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make them less frequent and less tragic. Better is not the enemy of perfect.

You are literally part of the problem. You might not think you are, but you most definitely are.

Penn beat teams coached by Dean Smith, Jim Boehim, Jim Valvano, and Lou Carnasecca. And lost to a team coached by Jud Heathcote!?!?

Lantrip and Davi: yeah, so we offered him a 10

So you are planning on redefining lethality. Perfect.