
Madeleine's video was uploaded to TheFreedomline.com, a website run by Adam Kokesh, an Iraq War veteran and libertarian activist.

I feel like that's kind of a cop-out that ignores how pervasive this shit is among some of the world's most depressing adults

Keith Olbermann Doesn't BELIEVE How Much His Sister-in-Law Makes Every Day From Home!

Turner is lucky the team didn't let Stephenson pound him until he was nothing more than a wad of meat.

I'm glad you were willing to read and think about other people's responses and actually change your mind. You may be the only person ever to do this on the internet.


As an American, I find such practices shameful and in violation of the spirit of competition unless he is a German born soccer player.

Dee Barnes' Beat by Dre parody was better.

Kids are also Wade-ing, where they remove all the cartilage from their knees, only show up to 50% of the school days, and stay in class after all the other kids have left to argue grades.

He was at least half-kidding in that discussion, which was only in the context of the Notre Dame upset of his UCLA team in '74. Amusingly enough he still seems to be struggling to come to grips with that. Thankfully no one got him started on the Final Four double OT loss to NC State that season, which bothers him just

Look, Bill Walton has been hearing this since he was at NBC. He's out there busting his buns every night. You tell your old man to try dragging LSD and mushrooms up and down a broadcast for 40 minutes.

Hey, when you've already had six kids you can be forgiven for running out of names.

When it comes to throwing shade on other players, no one can top Eddy Curry.

He's still got a left hand, after all.

The field assistants got there three seconds before the ref ate that dog.

Finally, something that hits the ice softer than this guy

The exaggerated arms and flailing remind me on Ernie Barnes painting.

lol, nothing to insult? deadspin commenters be like