
You are making a case for why Khabib shouldn’t ever be allowed to fight in the UFC again. You get that, right?

“All of it launched and overseen and funded by the leathery pinhead who has spent the past half-century not turning professional wrestling into one of the most popular sports in America, despite never facing direct competition even a hundredth as rich or powerful or entrenched as the NFL”

If you’ve ever worked for a sports network (and I have) this is hardly surprising. I have been and will be a lifelong sports fan, but that environment was really disappointing. It’s somewhere between frat boy and UFC show. Lot of Dave Matthews fans.

He carried like a mug

I worked at Fox Sports back in the day (98-2001) and I saw some shit. Most of the ex-athletes are cool guys (Tom Tolbert rules) but there were a couple of winners. It was quite the pleasure to work in research and try to get my work done while Steve Sax would be bugging me to help him find porn. This was practically a

Gamboa hasn’t been good for years.

He started a fight based on past transgressions by Talib. Try the google machine.

Because the only thuggish dudes in sports are black guys!

Some people hate trump that much.

Deadspin is backwards on this one. Lavar needed to take a timeout from his gimmick for like one minute and show just a teeny bit of humility and appreciation for what his son was saved from, and he didn’t.

Nah. Jerry Jones turned Goodell babyface for sure.

To be fair, everyone did not know this. A lot of people fell for the hype based on a superficial understanding of what Lonzo was as a player.

Another way to look at it is that this guy is probably doing irreparable harm to his children by setting them up to fail and attempting to live vicariously through them. This whole thing feels like a Marinovich, times 3.

I’ve always thought Stevens was being underrated. The team that was seeded #1 last year was there almost entirely because of Stevens. When they struggled mightily with Chicago (until rondo got hurt) it was because there just wasn’t much talent there and at the end of the day, Thomas is still a 5'8 pg who can’t really

Slight improvement from last year when you included Jabari Parker and Harry Barnes on your list.

If he just would have come out and said “you know, all I was trying to say is that we can’t let the employees tell us how to run our business but I’m an old white guy so I used an outdated expression, please forgive me”, this would have blown over by now.

There’s a point to be made here without insulting anyone but that’s not really how thing work to.

Take it easy, boss. It’s an expression. Typically it’s “inmates run the asylum” but it’s quite common among really old people.

“and it remains an open question how exactly Lonzo will do any scoring at the NBA level. He’s fun to watch!”

The NBA is attempting to save itself from the fan defection the NFL is experiencing. At the end of the day, I’m sure the NFL owners wish they had put something in the rules to prohibit any kneeling.