
He was dictating for Randy Travis.

An athlete marrying a striper. Does that story ever end well?

He was a 2-time TV champion.

This is his worst diss of a Lakers player since he recorded "No Gasol-ine"

He should consider himself lucky; that's the first time someone's had a gun on him in three years.

I wish I understood what was going on in that picture. Why is Sheamus in bed? Why is CM Punk standing by a window?

Kim Kardhashian wishes she could have gone as long without a period as this comment did

Now playing

Florida said it best. Apparently KG and Pierce are right behind them if the rumors hold true. They better save face and hire Lionel Hollins. The one upside is they will free up cap space, and there are some enticing free agents that I can imagine would love to place with Rondo, and maybe even Jeff Green.

Even Ellsbury liked it—at 0:09, he pats Martinez on the back for making the play.

"I left with his girl's belt".

Paulie Malignaggi, presented without comment.

I haven't seen an athlete go through glass that quickly since I spent an afternoon with Nicole Bobek.

It's like a Brazilian wikileaks

No one is saying he is or isn't honest. But he's a public figure, and he deals in honesty. You can be a scumbag, but actually taking a ring from a man and pocketing it is outrageous from the leader of a country.

Apparently there's a special circle of Hell for Donte.

Save the JR soundbites for A+ highlights.

*awaits Jezebelian invasion and rampage*

Only Steve Phillips could make me feel so depressed after HE got a blowjob that I need to call my wife and apologize that Steve Phillips got a blowjob.

These board game jokes with Milton Bradley are getting a little parcheesi.