RTR stands for ‘Ready To Rock’
RTR stands for ‘Ready To Rock’
I’m going to say this now just to get it out of my system but those aftermarket grille mounted lights just look worse and worse the more I look at them.
Volkswagen responded to the car website, saying that only one percent of all “repaired” vehicles were plagued by such problems...
Truthfully, I think it was juvenile in 2005 as well. The only difference is that I was a juvenile too, and thought it was super cool.
The WRX, since you can actually purchase one right now.
I call BS on the “floating roll-cage” which does nothing for structural rigidity.So it turns out that a car with a stripped interior, roll cage, and DOT racing slicks is faster than a car which does not have those things...shocking...
Well....the jerk store called, and they said they are running out of you!
Unfortunately, it still looks like an early FnF movie barfed a shitty body kit all over it.
Bring able to fire up that SD1 is a 50/50 proposition at best.
The goofy proportions, deep dish wheels, and 22RE say YES, The price is a little salty though. Not really a classic yet.
As promised in the Facebook post, Toyota of Rockwall later announced that Rebecca Rawl has indeed sold the car, to a gentleman named Daniel Rawlz.
A dealership involved in shady dealings? I’m Shocked! Shocked!
At first I was all “What? This is beautiful. Look at that wonderful little Civic. Such a great little car. What a great family.”
At this point its like whatever too me. They teased us for too long. I would have rather had an all new Challanger than this. This is the equivalent of an old guy thinking he’s cool because he lost weight and got a leather jacket and some shades.
I’m glad this car exists, and relieved Dodge is finally showing us the whole thing, but nothing about this car excites me anymore.
All Michigan needs are lights and somewhere to hang a license plate pretty much
Hahahahaha. In Michigan if you can pay for the registration you can drive it on the road. What is an inspection?
I have family that race at the Speedbowl. Financially, the place has been a mess for years. This guy, Bemer, bought it out of bankruptcy just a couple of years ago. The Speedbowl had been foreclosed on more than once in the past dozen years. I expected this guy’s reign to end in a similar financial morass, not this…
So. . . why was he allowed bail? A sexually abusive human trafficker sounds like exactly the kind of person who should be held without bail.