10 cc's of Nitrous - STAT!

Ecotec swap it.
Be the villain.
That horrible guy who puts reliable engines in unreliable cars and drives them around while the purists wrench.

Bridge port rotary indeed. He was hanging out at the rotary club lot in Pontiac for a while.

Step 1: throw all that shit in the Garbage
Step 2: buy a Hemi and a bunch of old Dodge truck mechanical bits
Step 3: ??????????????????
Step 4: well, you won’t profit, but you will have a cool Jeep.

“Is that really the issue here?”

“But really, I should point out that I never said nobody wants a muscle car, I simply pointed to my anecdotal evidence of most people I know who did buy a Focus or Fiesta ST over a muscle car for various reasons.”

“So yeah, the people I hang out with tended to go for the more practical ST cars rather than a new

I call bull on your calling bull on that bull call.

I know plenty of 20-35 year-olds who love the current muscle cars. The big reasons that new muscle cars don’t sell well in the 20-35 range is that there is a wide spectrum of performance cars available that are more within the grasp and better meet the needs of the

Or we could just shrink the Pony Cars down to their original size and have medium sized cars with STUPID BIG V8 ENGINES.

Neutral: Why IS The Camaro’s Sales Down?

Because it’s too big and the styling change for gen 6 wasn’t audacious enough. If GM wants the Camaro to sell better they need to shrink it some more and give it a more modern look WITH BETTER VISIBILITY!

You should have headed down into Pontiac. You missed a turbo rotary Ford Anglia and rotary Suzuki Samurai.

I know mine has an internal linkage and the shifter is off the back of the tail shaft. Real direct shifting puts the shifter right into the main case section of the transmission.

Oh yeah? The shifter in my RX-7 drops right into a similar linkage contained in the trans case. Shifters being directly linked to the trans through a pretty much identical but internal linkage is an extremely common thing and I’ve never understood the hype surrounding a shifter being “ directly connected” through

Jesus fucking Christ. If I had the choice between making Bernie Ecclestone immortal and unseeing that picture I would sell out all my values and keep that miserable shrew around to kick my favorite sport in the ass for eternity just to unsee that shit. That lady is unbelievably sick an I hope she gets help.

Suddenly nothing in life seems as important as putting a Colonel Bogey March horn in my RX-7.

I’m 20 years old.
I live in Michigan.
family dispersed through PA, CA, MA, VA, and WI and If I want to see them I can’t really afford a plane ticket so I have to drive out.
commute varies but often involves traveling between Flint, Auburn Hills, Highland Park, and Warren sometimes hitting all 4 in a day.
I can barely

You ever messed with bunker fuel? It shocks me to this day that ships can pump it through fuel lines at all. It’s basically diesel pudding. In WW2 the early flamethrower guys in the Pacific weren’t well equipped and would use bunker fuel from the ships transporting them as a napalm alternative, however it would not

I know fam.

not really. The Vue RL out performed other Vues, but it still performed pretty badly. You could only get the it with an automatic, it had no boost, and while it had a decent Honda V6 it was still anemic in it’s tuning because GM demanded more low end and made sacrifices for it. IMHO it was uglier too.



The Saturn Ion Red Line was pretty universally panned for it’s rice rocket looks when it launched in 2004, but now I think all new cars have adopted a similar edgy and over-styled aesthetic. I’m not calling it pretty, but I am going to say that it had styling a decade ahead of it’s time. Cue people telling me that my

Neutral: Do Customers Care That Their Cars Are Re-skins?

I don’t and I don’t why anyone else would to be quite honest. The only concerning automotive team up to me right now is Toyota and BMW. If they release a new Supra with BMW levels of reliability that completely undercuts the point of buying a Toyota anything.