Hater Taters Simon Pegg

I hate the OT purist trash! Stop ruining my childhood original trilogy purist manchildren! Your making me hate Empire strikes back and the originals more and more.
Mark Hamil was dryer than a dried up piece of wood, and lando was pointless.
You plinkett wankers though are the worst. Grow up and realize plinkett made

Why the crap do you freaking ignore the bloody manchildren OT-purists who bash on the effing PT? I'm tired of the shitload of OT-purists (who are a loud minority) always bashing the PT over the last 10 years! Oh and pegg was an offensive bastard. HE thinks he knows the saga better than its maker. Hes that retarded! So

Oh and the hundreds of OT purists who bash the PT and its fans are good? PT/saga fans are tired of the bullshit venom that the OT purists have been spewing over the last 10 years, and they have a right to fight back. You can only be oppressed for so long before you want to fight back. OT purists are like Hitlers

Oh and redlettermorons "review" is any better? Care to use actual facts to support yourselfs instead of plinkett whining about who knows what without using any actual arguments? Plinketts argument could be debunked by a fucking child, and his "arguments" can be easily applied to ESB which you worship.

no, the OT purists are authistic. Its takes someone special like you Ot-purists to not have a life and bash a movie for over 10 years; and then ignore that the old tirlogy was far more flawed.

oh and if anyone spews venom its the trash known as the Ot-purists who bash everything not part of the OT.

lol your the butthurt one buttmunch. If anyone's pathetic or authistic its the manchildren who scream "lucas ruin me childhood" and the plinkett worshippers. Grow up kid, your making the Ot-purists look like pathetic morons who can't shut up about something over a span of 10 years.

I hate all the bloody Ot-purists! Get it through your thick skulls that empire strikes back is a bloody overrated movie that has a ton of flaws in it. Screw this, you OT-fanboys made me hate the original trilogy.

No He is not! C-3po was the fucking worst charecter ever! All 3po did was just bloody whine and whine about everything without even helping at all; heck c-3po even burdened the main cast of the OT and made Han want to kill him.

yes, those OT purist fagboys made me hate empire strikes back.

The OT is even more mediocre .

Anyways fuck you OT purist trash! Stop fucking ruining my childhood OT Purists! I can't stand empire strikes back because of trash like you which act worse than weeaboos. You OT purists are trash plain and simply. You fucking ignore all the damn flaws of the original trilogy.
you ignre the continuity flaws of empire

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